My ebike display is defective and cant control the bikes anymore :( So i opened it and bridged 2 pins. Now its on full power all the time and I dont like that. Next step: as a replacement.
And dumping the firmware of that China controller..
I think of building a modular bike computer. - RPI zero for full linux support - UART & CANbus support - 12-72v input - modular scripting support - extension boards over CAnbus: -- oled display -- camera -- distance sensor for cars that are overtaking too close -- GPS -- livetracker (lorawan) -- livetracker (APRS) -- lights/blinker/horn -- ? Your idea
What would you like to have on a modular bike computer?
And thats how you personally help reduce the carbon footprint in long distance flights. Plug in your charged mobile to the chargimg port of your seat and give back some energy to the BOING-737
Just an ordinary human being, practicing normal human things.I don't care for gender, religion, ethnicity, age, wealth, looks, abilities,..I do care wether people have open hearts and open minds or not.I tend to call strangers "babe" and mean it.There are no borders.Just one planet full of life.Embrace it.#metalab Urgestein.manshaped tomcatHahnebüchener Unsinn.#nobot