@edward_jazzhands You and your crap opinions are not entitled to my attention. I do not owe it to you. This is not my job and you are not a paying customer.
As someone else in this thread said, "You call it an echo chamber, I call it having friends whose company I enjoy. Try it some time."
@mempko That's a high bar though. Most people would agree that that is an uncontroversial block. My bar is much lower.
My bar is down around: "Complete stranger on the bus with Opinions, you seem somewhat unpleasant. I can press this one weird button and never hear from you again."
To some people, I am that unpleasant stranger! They should absolutely block me. If they think we would not enjoy each other's online company, they are probably right.
Some wingnut I've never spoken to before (or again (*foreshadowing!*)) accused me of living in an "echo chamber" because I block people.
* Fuck the "echo chamber" discourse. I reject it entirely.I am not here to wear an ascetic's hair shirt because you think that surrounding myself with dickheads builds character.*
Block early and block often. I expanded on this in some detail in my "On Blocking" post from a few years back, but it bears repeating. Especially now. https://jwz.org/b/ykcn
"Your personal information is very important to us.", part three.
Hello! Here is an extremely stupid update about some incredibly low-stakes bullshit that doesn't matter at all! Oh for the glory days when this was the kind of thing I got worked up... https://jwz.org/b/ykcj
@Linux_Is_Awesome PLUS, you have entirely misinterpreted what I was saying. I was talking about muting people *I probably agree with*. Because their gnashing of teeth is completely unhelpful and depressing and I don't need it in my life.
But please, keep telling me about how I'm wrong for feeling this way. Super duper helpful of you.
@Linux_Is_Awesome Fuck this "echo chamber" discourse, I reject it entirely. I am not here to wear an ascetic's hair shirt because you think that surrounding myself with dickheads builds character.
@gleick My internal monologue always responds to "Everything you need to know about..." with "Nothing!" and then I close the window. Thanks, internal public editor.
@janxdevil One of my proudest moments was that in 1998, they called me out *by name* on the product page for this poster. Sadly that version of the page is unarchived. https://despair.com/products/burnout