@shaknais@ErikJonker thanks, so in this case the executive had no authority, right? Isn't it that the employee is simply not fired. (I appreciate that the phrase "illegally fired" is used because people sort of get what it is about.) Perhaps comparable to the police telling me I'm fired, although I work for a plumber. I'm trying to understand how this legally works out. An illegal firing to me is when there is no cause, or the employer violates the employment contract/law. No?
@WarnerCrocker@GottaLaff The perfect time to form an opposition cabinet was November. Then in January, at the commencement of Project 2025. Then in February, at the opening feast for DOGE. And now in March, after the official White House ceremony for the destruction of the Free World order. Clearly the gerontocratic establishment of all stripes has too much vested money & influence to take an activist position for humanity.
@inthehands@pluralistic oooh a new term to call those parachuted consultants and their financiers, including Elon and his barely adolescent tech wreckers: "enshittification ninjas". Because they are good at what they are assigned to do, but work best in the dark without any moral accountability but all loyalty.
@arisummerland@akamran@timixretroplays yeah, i was wondering whether this was indeed about handles, or a conspicuous sampling of fedi willingness or caliper ownership or...
@publicdomainrev in this well written story: “There is nothing to be gained by writing you this letter except, perhaps, to vent my feelings and point out . . . that everything in this world is not what it seems to be.”
@Gargron "put up with it"? I'd go a step further and say it doesn't matter for most. Social media provides the illusion of being heard, and can thus satisfy the narcissism and obsessions of billions.
@Gargron@micahflee you could view this incident as a PR opportunity, and write about it in the blogosphere, in terms of ethics, capitalism, post-twitterism, enshittification, and all what attracts Target Mastodon users. This would work as a positive story about Mastodon because the user bases are