@wing_str@ACL9000@AmonMaritza You are both dancing around the ultimate date technique, refusing to admit to one surefire way to land a girl for fun or even marriage guaranteed
@Aly@s5s5s Which one lol? Theotokos technically WAS the ultimate messenger, but she is not considered an apostle. Mary Magdalene is considered an apostle to apostles.
@Aly@s5s5s That is exactly what it is. There is a tradition, not necessarily orthodox, that each family gets a saint to keep. They celebrate that saint on the appointed day, have a huge feast, and invite all their friends. And because theres so many saints, almost every day theres a feast, and even the hungry are fed. I wish we had something like that in the Amerikaner Orthodox Church, when we eventually make one.
@dubbub@TakodachiEnjoyer@TrevorGoodchild Me and Dubdub have this ritual where I call suspicious people jews, and then he explains how theyre not. We have achieved a form of symbiosis.
@NoDoxGregBrady@s2208@PoastalJen Tonic water is a good substitute for pop/juice, or just icy water. Issue with juices is they pass through the stomach without inflating it, and stomach must be streched for a period of time to produce satiety. Also I did that calc (pinned) that shows how much worse sugar is - it delivers more energy AND is processed first, proteins and fats arent touched until theres no sugar.
@wing_str@judgedread Whites have high competence, outgroup empathy and trust, which makes parasites like jews possible.
Theres a reason there are no jews in other parts of the world, and its not for lack of trying. Jews started the Chinese communist revolution and migrated there en masse to take them over. They failed. Same for Japan, same for Turkey during Ottoman times.... it never works because the host must have all three (competence, empathy and trust) for jews to exist.
In the West, their most fundamental long-term problem is competence, nonwhites cant fix passenger jets or even simple things like bridges. But their most immediate short-term problem is a lack of outgroup empathy and trust, as we are seeing on college campuses now.
As the West becomes more brown, jews will become less relevant, but the whites will face similar problems. The best peaceful scenario we are looking at Brazil as a model, where jews survive on the periphery as a corrupt underclass, but whites also experience hardship. The best combative scenario we have is the Balkan wars, where the jews flee or are killed, brown invaders get genocided in some areas, and theres weird white-only states next to mexican-only states with fucked up borderd that hate each other.
@ChasingWaterfalls@EatKnitSleepAgain The vast majority of recipients of mental health drugs are women, because women are more fragile and sensitive and cant process living in a world stripped of the protections of patriarchy. This active pool of users is better than any "test".