Maelbrighde, son of Dornan, successor of Patrick and of Colum Cille; a man full of the grace of God, and a vessel of the wisdom and knowledge of his time. A.D. 925.
This distinguished saint was son to Tornan, who was descended lineally, and the twelfth in generation, from Conall Gulban. He was thus of the same royal stock as St. Columkille himself. The mother of Moel-Brigid was Soerlathia, daughter to Culebaith, and she was also of noble birth. The name given to him signifies “the servant of Brigid,” or “the tonsured of Brigid,” or ” the consecrated to Brigid,” or “the Brigidian.”
Our saint soon became greatly distinguished, for his virtues and learning. In consequence of an opinion entertained, respecting his varied merits and accomplishments,he was appointed comorban or successor of St. Adamnan, most probably as Abbot over Raphoe. He was elevated, also, to abbatial dignity —probably at a later period— over the church of St. Columba, at Derry, according to Colgan.
After enjoying those dignities, our saint was elevated to the Primatial See of Armagh. On account of his great zeal for religion, and the exercise of eminent wisdom and virtue, he obtained a name and repute for being, "Head of Religion in Ireland, and of the greater part of Europe." There is a difference of opinion, among our Irish Annalists and modern writers, regarding the order of succession, in Armagh See, as, also, with regard to the names of its incumbents. Maelcoba Mac Crunnvail, Abbot of Armagh, is said to have died, at an advanced age, A.D. 885, or 887. It is thought our saint, as his immediate successor, then promoted to the coarbship.
During the time of this Archbishop’s administration, a great riot took place in Armagh Cathedral Church, between the Hy Nialls of Kinel-Eogain or Tyrone, and the people of Ulidia or East Ulster. Flaithbheartach, son to Murehadh, was chief over the former faction, and Atteidh, son to Luighne, chieftains over the latter. This riot, which occurred, about Whitsuntide, in the year 889, was appeased by the Archbishop’s influence and exertions. This prelate induced both parties to abstain from violence, and to make due reparation to Almighty God, whom they offended, and to atone for the violation of St. Patrick’s law. He is said to have been a man remarkable for his inflexible justice. From the Ulidians, Moel-Brigid obtained hostages and an offering of thirty times seven cattle to the church; while, four Ulidians, the chief instigators of this riot, after being proved guilty were hung. In like manner, the Kinel Eogain rioters repaired those outrages committed by them, and as many more of these were hung.
An act of violence is recorded, as having taken place in Armagh, during this Archbishop’s administration. In the year 907, the privileges of the Cathedral of Armagh were violated by Kernach Mac-Dulgen, by dragging a captive out of the church, who had taken sanctuary there, and by drowning him in Loch-Kirr, west of the city. But, this violation was retaliated on Kernach, by Neall Glundub, then King of Ulster, and afterwards of Ireland, who drowned him in the same lough. Several serious disasters and disturbances occurred in Armagh, during the term of our saint’s incumbency. We read, that the Archbishop took a journey towards Munster, A.D. 908, to procure the liberation of a strange Briton, who being a pilgrim in the country, had been unjustly detained there as a captive. Respecting the result of Moel-Brigid’s mission, we are not informed. While he sat in this See, Armagh was three times taken and plundered by the Danes, namely, in 890, 893, and 919; and, it was once set on fire in the year 914. According to the most reliable accounts, Moel-Brigid ruled over Armagh Metropolitan See for a duration of forty years. He departed this life, at a good old age, on the 22nd of February.
@TrevorGoodchild@wishgranter14 What they don't tell you is that a lot of these general contractors like to doubly prey on the economy by using brownoid slave labor and selling predatory high-interest loans to pay for the job cost
"Oh you can't afford that emergency $15k fix right now? That's okay, here's a 30-year loan with a small monthly payment of $100, don't worry. The interest is 14% by the way and front-loaded, good luck, now say hola to Pedro"
A Welsh saint of the family of Saint Brychan of Brecknock, Dwynwen coined the maxim, "nothing wins hearts like cheerfulness." She settled in Anglesey, where the places names Llanddwyn and Porthdwyn recall her memory.
Llan originally meant a clearing or a piece of consecrated ground, possibly with a monastic cell on it. Later Llan came to mean a church and the part that follows is usually the saint's name to whom the church was dedicated:-
Llanfichangel - after Mihangel - Michael the Archangel. Llanbedr - after Pedr - Peter.
Such place names became numerous and were later added to by some territorial description, for example, Llangefni means the church on the river Cefni.
Llanddwyn Island, North Wales, is technically a peninsula cut off from the Isle of Anglesey occasionally by high tides at certain times of the year. Access is by foot through Newborough Warren dunes or along the mile and a half of beach known as Llanddwyn beach. On a clear day the Snowdonia mountain range on the mainland is clearly seen across the straits. The island forms part of the National Nature reserve. Wild flowers, sea birds and seals live on and around the island. Rare old breeds of Soay and Jacob's sheep graze in an enclosure.
The old lighthouse dates from 1926 and a lifeboat station was also manned but both are now disused. The pilots' cottages still stand and one of these has been refurbished to appear as it would have been in 1900 when inhabited. Another cottage holds an exhibition of wildlife to be found on the island and this exhibition includes the history of 'Dwyn the Pure'.
St. Dwynwen was one of the 24 beautiful daughters of Brychan, a 5th century prince, and her chapel became a popular place of pilgrimage after her death in AD. 465. The ruins of a Tudor church which was built on the site of the original priory can still be seen. The modern Celtic cross on the island commemorates all who are buried thereabouts. The Latin cross is dedicated to St. Dwynwen who founded the convent there.
Her church there was the destination of the sick and especially young men and women because she is the patron of Welsh lovers. Baring-Gould explains the reason for her patronage in The Golden Legend. Maelon wished to marry Dwynwen but she rejected him and prayed to be delivered. She dreamed that she was given a drink that cured her, but the drink turned Maelon to ice. Then she made three requests: that Maelon be defrosted, that all true-hearted lovers should either succeed in their quest or else be cured of their passion, and that she should never wish to be married. Accordingly, she became a nun.
In the Middle Ages Llanddwyn was a rich church due to the offerings left at the shrine and holy well by pilgrims. The movement of the fish in the holy well was believed to indicate the destiny of those who consulted it. This superstitious practice and the invocation of Dwynwen to cure sick animals survived the Reformation, probably because of its relative isolation. Churches dedicated to her are to be found in Wales and Cornwall.
Dydd Santes Dwynwen, St. Dwynwen's Day, Jan 25th, is steeped in Welsh tradition and folklore, and is considered to be the Welsh equivalent to St. Valentine's Day. Festivities mark the occasion in Wales every year.
Recall the way the ancient philosophers viewed thoughts as originating from outside one's mind, or at the very least, were influenced by outside spiritual forces. Your thoughts are never wholly your own, whether you like it or not. Demonic influence is a daily battle you will fight. Thoughts will cascade through your head. "Be angry at her. Snap at him. Kick the dog. Watch the porn. Flirt with the married woman. No one loves you. You are alone. Be afraid. Ignore your loved ones. Abandon your people." Hedonism, pleasure, self-destruction and self-loathing, all pieces of the same puzzle. All thoughts you will struggle with at one time or another.
You can choose to give in to these thoughts, act upon them and become one with the demonic, thereby structuring your life around the fallen spiritual orders and eventually becoming a demon yourself. You can also ignore the thoughts. It is best to ignore the demonic thoughts and instead seek to enhance the holy thoughts you receive. Anything that is "good", pleasing to the Lord, fulfills your destiny upon this Earth, these are thoughts to nurture and grow. "Forgive her. Gently rebuke him. Feed the dog. Love your wife. Ignore the married woman. You are loved. You are not alone. Be courageous. Take care of your loved ones. Remember your people."
Focus on such thoughts through prayer and they will become second nature. The demons will still fight, they will always fight. They need neither food nor rest; they are ever watchful for the opportunity to add to their ranks. But so are our angels and so is the Lord. Temper your life, pray incessantly. Battling the demons will soon become a joyful experience in which you praise the Lord for the opportunity to sharpen your blade against the evils of this world.
"And grant rest, O Master, to our souls and bodies as we sleep; preserve us from the gloomy slumber of sin and from the dark passions of the night. Calm the impulses of carnal desires, quench the fiery darts of the evil one which are craftily directed against us. Still the rebellions of the flesh, and put far from us all anxiety and worldly cares. Grant us, O God, a watchful mind, pure thoughts, a sober heart and a quiet rest free from every vision of the devil. Raise us up again at the hour of prayer, strengthened in Your precepts and holding within us steadfastly the thought of Your commandments. Grant that we may sing praises to You through the night and that we may hymn, bless and glorify Your all-honorable and majestic Name, of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."
@Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta@thefinn Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the whole pantheon concept also already on its way out in Greece/Rome by the time Christianity arrived on the doorstep? Plato's Forms, the Stoic's Logos Spermatikos and such
@thefinn@Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta This reminds me that we in the West (US specifically) have a really bad idea of the "pantheon" concept in general and tend to picture some Cosmic Justice League thing where everyone was worshipped instead of the gods having localized entities each with their own traditions of worship in different city centers
@thefinn@mjdigspigs@Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta It's feelings-based, though it's described as piety-based. The only way to self measure piety though is to do what "feels" pious. Puritanical Protestantism was measured by outward success; if you were blessed and truly pious (and truly saved by a Calvinistic god), you would have lands and goods and so on.
That model didn't catch on with the many waves of poor immigrants over the next hundred or so years, so it became more Quaker and Methodist influenced; how close do you "feel" to God?
On his missionary travels, Saint Patrick came to Rathcroghan near Tulsk. At the well of Clebach beside Cruachan (probably today's Tobercrogheer), he pauses for a rest.
Rathcroghan, the rath of Croghan, is an ancient Celtic royal burial place, rich in earthworks and earlier megalithic remains. The seven-foot-high standing stone in the middle of a ring-fort is said to mark the burial place of the pagan monarch Daithi.
While Patrick and his clerics are assembled at the well, two royal maidens, fair Ethne and red-haired Fedelma, come to wash their hands. These two daughters of Loeghaire are being brought up in Connacht by the two wizards, the brothers Mael and Caplait. Surprised at the strange appearance of the monks and priests, the girls ask them who they are, and where they come from. Patrick replies that it were better for them to believe in the true God than to ask such questions.
Ethne then asks him:
What is God? Where is God. And of whom is God? And where is God's dwelling place? Does your God have sons and daughters? Has he gold and silver? Is he immortal? Is he beautiful? Have many people fostered his son? Are his daughters beautiful and beloved of men? Is he in heaven or on earth? Or on the plain? In what manner does he come to us? In the mountains? In the glens? Is he young or old? Tell us of him, in what manner is he seen?
Filled with the Holy Spirit, Patrick answers them:
Our God is the God of all men, the God of Heaven and Earth, of seas and rivers, of Sun and Moon and stars, of high mountains and deep valleys, the God over Heaven and in Heaven and on Earth, and in the sea and in all that is therein. He informs all these things, he brings life to all things, he surpasses all things, he sustains all things. He gives light to the Sun, and to the Moon by night. He makes fountains in the dry land and islands in the seas, and he sets the stars in their places. He has a Son, co-eternal with himself and in his own likeness. Neither is the Son younger than the Father, nor the Father older than the Son. And the Holy Spirit breathes in them. The Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit cannot be divided. In truth I wish to unite you to the Heavenly King, you who until now are the daughters of an earthly king. Believe!
With one voice and heart, the two girls answer: In what way can we believe in the Heavenly King? Instruct us most diligently so that we may see him face to face, inform us and whatever you tell us we will do.
Patrick asks them if they believe that in baptism the sin of their father and mother will be cast off, to which they reply We believe.
Patrick asks them if they believe in repentance after sin, in life after death, in resurrection on the Day of Judgement, in the oneness of the Church. To all of these questions the girls reply We believe.
They are then baptized, Patrick blesses the white veils over their heads, and they beg to see the face of Christ. Patrick tells them that until they receive Communion and taste death, they cannot see Christ's face. They reply: Give us the Communion so that we may see the Son, our Bridegroom.
They receive the Holy Eucharist and fall asleep in death. They are wrapped together in one shroud, and are greatly bewailed by their friends.
The Druid Caplait, the foster-father of one of the girls, comes to Patrick lamenting. Patrick preaches to him and he, too, believes, and is baptized and tonsured. The other Druid, Caplait's brother Mael, comes to Patrick to tell him that he will bring his brother back to the pagan creed, but Patrick preaches to Mael also, and he, too, is converted, and tonsured.
When the days of keening the kings' daughters came to an end, they buried them beside the well of Clebach and made a round ditch in the fashion of a ferta. That was the custom of the heathen Irish. But we call it relic, that is, the remains of the girls.
And the ferta was granted in perpetuity to Patrick and his heirs after him, along with the bones of the holy girls. He built an earthen church in that place.
One of the most interesting traditions around Theophany/Epiphany is the Blessing of the Waters, in which a priest will exorcise a body of water and rededicate it to God using holy water. Catechumens are also often still baptized on this day.
Theophany is the Feast which reveals the Most Holy Trinity to the world through the Baptism of the Lord (Mt.3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). God the Father spoke from Heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by Saint John the Forerunner, and the Holy Spirit descended upon the Son in the form of a dove. From ancient times this Feast was called the Day of Illumination and the Feast of Lights, since God is Light and has appeared to illumine “those who sat in darkness,” and “in the region of the shadow of death” (Mt.4:16), and to save the fallen race of mankind by grace.
The Holy Theophany of our Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ the entire holy Church of God celebrates today, performing a vigil from the evening. After arriving at thirty years of age, our Lord wanted to manifest Himself to people that He was God in body. When the Lord was baptized by John, God the Father testified from above with His voice and the occurrence of the Holy Spirit, that He was His Son truly and consubstantially. From that moment He became known to all through His miracles, and His lofty teachings, that He was indeed God, Who through the Prophets was clearly proclaimed.
He came to Baptism for this cause. When the Lord became man on our behalf, He fulfilled the law throughout His entire life. Because John came from the desert and was baptizing at the Jordan, according to the word of God spoken to him, that is according to the ordinance and the law of God, as the Evangelist Luke says (Lk. 3:2), our Lord wanted to fulfill this word as a divine law. This took place after He had reached thirty years of age, when He went to be baptized by John the Baptist, as others were doing, though He had no need to be baptized, being without sin. John, being reverent towards the Lord and aware of his own unworthiness, said: "I have need to be baptized by You, but You come to me?" But the Lord encouraged and urged John to baptize Him, showing him that what he thought was unfitting, was indeed fitting, namely that the Master should be baptized by the servant. For this reason He said to him: "Let it be so. It is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness in this way." Righteousness is here called by the Lord the fulfillment of all the commandments, according to the divine Chrysostom (Discourse on Baptism), as if He said: "Since I fulfilled all the commandments of the divine law, this one alone remained, which is why I must fulfill this one also."
Then John let go of his resistance, and the Lord was baptized by him, and immediately came up out of the water. And behold the heavens opened, and John saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming to Jesus. And a voice came from the heavens saying: "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased." By this was manifested to the Jews, that John was not greater than Christ, as it was falsely assumed by many about him. Rather he was incomparably much lower than Christ, being His servant and subject. For this reason the Spirit descended, bringing down the voice of the Father to Jesus, and He clearly showed as if with a finger, that "This is My beloved Son" was not spoken about John the Baptist, although he possessed great glory and office, but it was spoken about the baptized Jesus.
In the ancient Church it was the custom to baptize catechumens at the Vespers of Theophany, so that Baptism also is revealed as the spiritual illumination of mankind. The origin of the Feast of Theophany goes back to Apostolic times, and it is mentioned in The Apostolic Constitutions (Book V:13). From the second century we have the testimony of Saint Clement of Alexandria concerning the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord, and the night vigil before this Feast.
On the Feast of the Baptism of Christ, the Holy Church proclaims our faith in the most sublime mystery, incomprehensible to human intellect, of one God in three Persons. It teaches us to confess and glorify the Holy Trinity, one in Essence and Undivided. It exposes and overthrows the errors of ancient teachings which attempted to explain the Creator of the world by reason, and in human terms.
The Church shows the necessity of Baptism for believers in Christ, and it inspires us with a sense of deep gratitude for the illumination and purification of our sinful nature. The Church teaches that our salvation and cleansing from sin is possible only by the power of the grace of the Holy Spirit, therefore it is necessary to preserve worthily these gifts of the grace of holy Baptism, keeping clean this priceless garb, for “As many as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ” (Gal 3:27).
On the day of Theophany, all foods are permitted, even if the Feast falls on a Wednesday or Friday.
The baptism of Christ split the heavens, That those without defilement may enter therein. On the sixth the Forerunner baptized Christ in the river.
@BowsacNoodle I believe the three visitors to be symbolic of the Trinity, but not the actual Trinity. God the Father never appears in a form that can be reckoned by humans and if I recall He says to Moses later that He simply can't be seen, man would die from being faced with the Incomprehensible. Also, in the next chapter the two men with the Lord are explicitly referenced as angels. They are very beautifully symbolic of the Trinity however and at one point I believe they are referred to as acting as one. "They said" and so on.
Sarah's inner thoughts and the Lord's calling her out is an important bit to remember, especially when reading the gospels. The gospel writers, particularly Matthew, consistently call back to this interaction by using similar language. Someone thinks something "within themselves" then the Lord responds, "Why do you...?" The gospel writers saw Jesus as the same Lord that interacted with Abraham and the rest of the forefathers.
@db I would seriously look into getting your house blessed if this is happening. I know the Orthodox do it and I believe the Catholics do as well. You can always bless it yourself, do regular prayers and make the sign of the cross under doorways, but ymmv
The fact you can't stop thinking about her means you're more likely dealing with an egregoric demon entity than any ghostly spirit. They latch on to the residual soul left in places by the departed and spread fear. They're rarely physically harmful like in the movies but you'll be uneasy and restless until you spiritually cleanse the place.