@ekis I myself saw an Documentation of Arte about the workers movement (4h long btw) and only afterwards knew how essential that movement was to quality of life of the people in the 20th century.
When you grow up you get fed this idea that progress and decent living conditions came top down and weren't bled for by workers fighting for their rights and the media plays their part in that charade.
@AnthonyJK Dick Cheney endorsed her. Not because he suddenly became left wing but the DNC became the Paleo Conservative shithole his own party was mroe than 20 years ago.
Cant wait for libs in 20 years scoldingly telling leftists that their party is for less starvation in Death camps and therfore the moral choice.
@hannu_ikonen@Kierkegaanks Even after 20 years of learning where the term banana Republic came from, i am still baffled that the US Goverment overthrew democracies for bananas.
Lukewarm neoliberal centrism as the only "left" position.
They keep telling everyone that progressive or leftists policies dont get you votes and thats where this "We ran the perfect campaign" shit really stinks.
The ballots only contain status quo or fascism that shit wont fly in the face of climate change.
I am oddly hopeful about the Trump Presidency. People seemed more inclined to listen during his shtishow and the Biden admin fostered a kind of complacency in libs that was disheartening.
Half of the time i have had rewritten my comments 8 times so they are readable and get the message across.
About the topic Crimethink wrote this:
"Because neoliberal globalization has made it difficult for state structures to mitigate the impact of capitalism on ordinary people, no party is able to hold state power for long without losing credibility."
@ciggysmokebringer I am always reminded of the Göbbles quote we learned in school about why a combative democracy is a must:
" We enter parliament in order to supply ourselves, in the arsenal of democracy, with its own weapons. If democracy is so stupid as to give us free tickets and salaries for this bear's work, that is its affair. We do not come as friends, nor even as neutrals. We come as enemies. As the wolf bursts into the flock, so we come."
@ciggysmokebringer They also cry about voter suppression and misinformation as if that isn't fascism 101 since 1945:
The only time That shit could have been stopped if there were real consequences after Jan6 but apparently trying to overthrow the goverment wasn't ringing Alarm bells in the DNC.
Where one of the main questions is when we start to fight back in a way thats effective.
Because the voting and endless protest even making laws and not acting on them (looking at you Germany) are doing very little to prevent the return of The 'Thermal Maximum 2.0 The Reckoning'
Which was also my favourite part of the Democrats recent gaslighting: praising their climate bill that was less worth than the paper it was printed on.
In a odd way Harris losing the election further cementing my belief in anarchism.
I hate to quote Lenin of all people but : "'Fascism is capitalism in decay'"
Liberal Democracy always goes the way of the Weimar Republic and the myth of societal progress should now be carried to the grave. #anarchism#uspol#collapse
@AnthonyJK There is no one cause for Romes downfall but a very interesting aspect of it are the deaths of the Gracchi Borthers.
To quote Wikipedia:
They have been received as well-born and eloquent advocates for social reform who were both killed by a reactionary political system; their terms in the tribunate precipitated a series of domestic crises which are viewed as unsettling the Roman Republic and contributing to its collapse