why is decentralisation and federation a Good Thing? what happens when my server goes down... for good?
this place is complex. servers? what the hell are they? why do i need to choose one? which one should i choose? is this a safe one to choose? what are they doing? recording? selling?
bluesky *is* twitter. the good old days. when it was safe, moderated, ad free.
nobody ever makes the case for federation. it is always why a non federated model is wrong. the post below... who the hell cares? that's such a technical complaint. that's supposed to make me think "ooh... mastodon" as a non techie?
what, in terms of simply being able to interact with people, is the actual advantage of mastodon? i am a techie in my day job. on social media i simply want to post stuff, read stuff, and interact with stuff.
federation? what is that and why do i care? make the case for decentralisation.
@bontchev honestly, i am spending most of my social media time on BlueSky because it is a lot more like Twitter was 15 years ago. no war, no trump, no brexit; just people chatting merrily along. quite refreshing, really.
@selzero@LeftistLawyer@AeonCypher in what will no doubt cause a little controversy... Microsoft is about to go into an exclusive contract with the Three Mile Island nuclear facility to provide emission free power for Microsoft's AI, Analytics, etc. workloads.
Best part is that by doing so Microsoft doesn't get to the dreaded "nett zero" emissions; they actually get extremely close to "actual zero" emissions.
@goatsarah@MikeDunnAuthor our council has basically made it impossible for us to recycle glass. live inner city, and don't own a car as the council wanted when this place was built, and no glass collection bins either. so, communal glass bins. was one 10 minutes walk away.
bin was removed because of some "anti social behaviour" (no idea what) and so the closest one is now 30 minutes away on foot. as a result all glass simply goes into the bin.
@goatsarah@MikeDunnAuthor funny, most other apartment buildings in the street have a plastic bucket for glass. apparently we're ineligible. nobody seems to know why.
@goatsarah@MikeDunnAuthor what is the alternative, though? people think of plastic bottles, but what about food, esp. prepared food?
looking around the room here, there are at least 30 electrical, IT components, and domestic items made of plastic, and synthetic fibres.
the worst part is that PET bottles are among the most recyclable things in the recycling world. my gut feel is that there is not a particularly good business case for recycled PET compared to new PET. likely cost and quality.