I'm not really sure what's going on with Korean transliteration but it seems like there's multiple systems in use and it kinda confusing. Maybe transliteration is just inherently confusing
Still not sure of etiquette of should I follow that one person posting followers only that all my friends are following so I can know what the conversation is about?
@lookitmychicken@Betty wow that particular one hits my second hand embarrassment squick pretty hard! But in general I do prefer miscommunication to be on the shorter side
@Betty@lookitmychicken I definitely prefer funny miscommunication to angsty miscommunication. I sometimes even like funny miscommunication if it's not too drawn out
Enjoying everyone's thoughts on arranged marriage in fic in response to fandom chats. I don't have a lot to add. It's a thing that I enjoy in fic and think is not great in real life
(I did some reading recently about historical diplomatic marriages between steppe people and various Chinese empires and those people where not having a good time!)
@treefrogie84@lookitmychicken I really enjoy mine! I have all my nice tea things on an open shelf so even when don't use them often I still get to look at them
For #DecRecs today I'm going to rec having a tea pet! These are cute little ceramic friends that hang out with your tea things. I think you are supposed to pour your leftover tea over them, but mine just sit there and look cute
@lookitmychicken ❤️🍵❤️ that sounds really hard to navigate, especially since it sounds like there's a lot of unspoken expectations and probably some gendered expectations as well
This a gorgeous story about Sizhui and Wen Ning post canon, full of food and family and finding your place in the world. I love how the story weaves past and present, including memories, stories and letters. Truly a masterpiece
I write SFF criticism and the occasional fanfic. I love cosy SFF, worldbuilding, material culture, history, chinese dramas espeically wuxia, intersectional criticism, fictional moms, and tea. I'm currently studying Classical Chinese on my own.