Ok, I'm having analysis paralysis for a new phone because my phone is currently just barely hanging on. I'd get another Pixel but Google...
So asking for recs if you have any!
My requirements are small. It just needs to not be huge, can still fit in my hand (I understand this is an impossibility nowadays), and allow me to play Love and Deepspace (shh don't judge, I just wanna check it out). I have no camera requirements. I'd prefer if it's not more than USD300, but I can push it to 350, I suppose.
(I change my phones only when they are dying so if it will last me at least 4 years, it's fine)
Interest check for Winter Begonia cdrama watch party!
It's a show about a Beijing opera artist and his very in love patron set during the Republic era China. It's very, very beautiful, clearly the production has money, casted very well (A+ actors), they had actual opera people to help with the show!
Pace of 2 episodes a week, asynchronous, post to a common watch party hashtag.
Planning to start in two weeks or so (so, Feb). If interested, reply or react to this post, let me know if first week of Feb works for you as a start date.
If you're new to cdramas and enjoy understanding the origins of tropes/want to study trope defining shows, War and Beauty is all on YouTube right now, in Cantonese, English subbed:
It's one of the (if not the) trope defining show for inner court/harem politics drama.
(The usual TVB issues apply: sometimes audio is muted due to music copyright issues. If you want to watch it without audio issues, you'd have to watch on the TVB Anywhere app)
@skinnylatte@hachyderm.io this is my confusion when I had a chat with a colleague and she said she "just want to eat the same things and not have to think about food."
@skinnylatte@hachyderm.io Oh, I will get that! Thank you for the rec~! I have some Dolly sambal from the time I went to Ireland but will run out soonish...
@skinnylatte@hachyderm.io every time I walk past a momofuku something, I make sure to remark about how shit he is/the shitty things he did so people around can hear and hopefully avoid momofuku products/restaurant too.
@gekidasa@fandom.ink +1 to all of these. Reddit is not what I consider transformative fandom space (though there are subreddits that are exceptions), and the conversations tone/style/focus can be quite different. I don't engage in reddit spaces
on dreamwidth, you can make personal pages and community pages. community pages can be set up differently for different purposes, but for this community, if you are a member, you can make posts, and you can also reply to posts (even not as a member i think)
@liztai@hachyderm.io I didn't finish watching the show. I liked the novel for the characters and relationships and I found the story interesting. I like how the tragedy is set up. There are some things I don't like about the novel too but my overall experience was enjoyable. The official tl has some issues. I didn't read the seven seas version so idk how well those reads.
Again, it's perfectly okay to not like. Just means it's not for you and that's okay!
@liztai@hachyderm.io People like different things, it's fine. Just let it go. People talk about things they enjoy. They hardly linger on things they don't, unless it's popular but they hate it. It was out during initial covid lockdowns, it was a lot of en circles first Chinese drama, the novel it's based on was many people's first danmei novel so the timing of it was perfect. You don't have to watch something you don't enjoy. If you've tried a few episodes, and it's not for you, then it's not for you. I didn't like the show but I know exactly why I didn't like the show and it's probably for different for you and I've also learnt to accept not liking some really popular books because I'm just not the target audience. And that's okay
@liztai@hachyderm.io joy of life is nice! well, you've already watched it before. feel free to dip in and out if you want, not like this watch party is super strict with rules or anything @gekidasa@fandom.ink
@liztai@hachyderm.io ExpressVPN worked for me for Mysterious Lotus Casebook in iqiyi... I haven't tried for Viki properly but NiF does show up for me when I use ExpressVPN. I try again later to play an ep when I back home
#NirvanaInFire rewatch/watch party will start the first full week of March (3rd March)!
It's 54 episodes long, each episode about 40-45 mins. If you plan to join this watch party, I recommend VPN to U.S., and watch it on Viki. The subs are generally better there (because they use fan labor...)
It'll be two episodes a week, at your own pace. Just so we can find each other who are watching, you can use the hashtag #NifNotABirthdayParty when you watch.
I'll post every week on Saturday the episodes we will be watching that week (watch week is Sunday to Saturday).
she/her; 30+, aroace, fujoI'm into #anime (recent: Gundam: The Witch from Mercury), #danmei (recent: Panguan; A Sword of Frost), #games (current: Honkai Star Rails; Genshin Impact), SFF books (recent: The Traitor Baru Cormorant; Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang)Boosts/likes =/= I am in this fandom/know this media/like this media. I generally only boost posts with pictures if alt-text is included(for non-fandom account: @geraineon@blahaj.zone)Avatar: Zhongli dragon biting his own tail, by @Entity616@site404containment.zone