@AnarchoNinaWrites today I was reading that gosh, it's not so bad because it will get really bad and people will die so then things will get fixed. Sorry, as soon as you're okay with "things will get bad and people will die," even without the "and it won't be handled well" part... we're done.
@br00t4c He's going to say it so loudly and so often that the base believes it but the rest of us do need to remember. It's "fooling some of the people some of the time."
@br00t4c I think people should keep the twerds trying to do what can't really be done quickly (make a whole new department). Tell tem that's more important than getting rid of departments.
@ben@timnitGebru NPR noted this morning that the relative white turnout was greater than before for the first time since 1992. They didn't *say* white supremacy.... focused more on perceptions of economy because that's what the exit polls said but I take small consolation that people didn't say that was why they did what they did.
@godzero@enmodo@pluralistic I love my town for that. We've got Rose Bowl Tavern that was bought by one of the bands *right before COVID hit.* They figured out contact-free and you could get beer and toilet paper.... and now they have a big tent and outdoor concerts *every day* weather permitting (took folks changing a law when another venue I'll never patronize again called them in for not clearing the parking lot from the tents *every night.*)
@inthehands Lovely ?!?!? Wow :) When road conditions get iffy I actually sometimes feel anxious ;P tho' sometimes I can suspend that and tell my brain "angular momentum is strong! The road is not going to pick up your bike and throw it to the ground!" and Just Roll Through
@StillIRise1963 Hope they figure out how to get it. And at least people will get money. To me it's not quite consequences until it's No, You Can't Run For Office or No, you Can't Leave This Room.
I'm at Parkland College (for a few decades) helping folks navigate developmental courses/placements (but fighting the "hey, 5% of these folks could pass college so we should just get rid of developmental teaching" trends) dreaming of structured paths for building understanding and fluency instead of "I don't have time to teach you, here's a calculator." See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jvTlNmNI7nC9xMrVp2cc3d5RjWnpho0exwA_t86eWbI/edit?usp=sharing