@mekkaokereke@lewriley@Bam@thetitanborn that’s fucked, I’m sorry to hear that that kind of behavior is going unaddressed. Re: CWs, I think a lot of folks feel like it’s a blanket to hide the less savory parts of life from people with trauma. Upon some reflection, this scenario reminds me of a phrase used in talking about police and racist Karen interactions: that it’s there to minimize white discomfort.
@mekkaokereke@Bam@thetitanborn any specific things allies can do to help? My brain jumped to helping finance and support primarily black or BIPOC instances but I’m a bit sheltered/privileged and there’s bound to be a lot I’m missing.
We were discussing it at dinner and I said maybe I'd watch the e-sports if it's something fun. Then I looked up what the e-sports are, and apparently they decided six years ago not to have any. I must have misunderstood something I heard.
@pkmnframes I think that "every frame" followed by "[btw my source is 2 fps]" is a clever technicality that keeps the punchy name but makes the outcome somewhat reasonable. 😄
@evan Qualified no: I won't seek it out, but if someone says "omg Sweden or HK made it to the finals of $SPORT", I might watch. And I'm sure I'll see snippets all over my YouTube diet.
One thing that's hard to find in #PLDev work is how to set up good error handling (both in terms of parse recovery as well as error messages).
It's interesting because it seems like such an important part of writing a language of any kind - if you think about the percentage times you compile your code and what percentage of *that* tends to have error messages in it, the error flow is just as important as the success flow -- but resources on it seem slim.
Anyone happen to know of any good reads in that regard?
Them: "Could you record this session?" Me: "Sure!"
Me, 1 h later, converting and listening to the session: "Aaaaugh my Swedish accent!!!" The recording: "... so this catalog is defined by the user support team in eash location ..."
I haven't listened to myself speak for years, I forgot how much it can hurt. 😅
@hypolite I don't know if the thread was about the correct stacktrace or not, but I saw from the bluescreens posted that the error was a segfault.
If your company's software segfaults in today's world, and you're using a legacy language where it's easy to get segfaults, that's a choice your company made. That was the point of the thread before the author subverted his own point and made it about conspiracy theory racism.
@vascorsd Maybe they caused it. Not our overlords but our underlings. It's yet another source of complexity and the company has been bragging about it.
@loke I do have a tendency to get wordy, and so far I feel like 30% of the suggestions are reining that in. I don't usually take the suggestion, but I take the criticism and rephrase.
And then sometimes it will criticize my rephrased wording, and that's part of the frustration. 😆
Perfect opening to Late Night after this weekend's tragic and damaging assassination attempt on a politician, no matter what we think of the ex-President.
Seth Meyers is a fundamentally decent human who never forgets to be serious while being silly, and never forgets to be silly while being serious.
Comedy news is about safeguarding democracy and about the peaceful exchange and criticism of ideas. Making fun of influential idiots, even harmful influential idiots, and on occasion harmful influential smart people, has been a core political tool for millennia.
Mocking those worthy of mocking is important. Please don't take it as license to make the US any more violent than it already is.
Late Night with Seth Meyers: "Trump Assassination Attempt & Shocking Judge Cannon Ruling in Mar-a-Lago Docs Case: A Closer Look"