What I usually think of first is Personal Digital Assistant, e.g. Palm Pilot, which is silly, because the overwhelming balance of people didn't use one for the last 20 years, at least not one that wasn't primarily called a phone or a tablet. It's an obsolete term, but apparently with deep roots in my mind.
Most people probably think first of public displays of affection.
TIL about pathological demand avoidance. Some professionals call it EDA, extreme demand avoidance.
Der Psychologe Tsima Bolik möchte sein Publikum für eine vegane Lebensweise begeistern. Dafür hat er nicht nur eine süße Überraschung parat, sondern präsentiert auch zwei Forschungsergebnisse zu Kommunikationsstrategien für Veganer*innen. Diese Strategien sind dabei nicht nur auf den Veganismus anwendbar, sondern lassen sich auch auf andere kontroverse Themen übertragen. Tsima strebt einen Wandel an, der Spaltungen überwindet.
But Draymond Green was a key part of the Warriors' dynasty, but he never scored many points, never got a ton of blocks or steals, and never got a ton of assists. But... the Warriors seemed to be invincible when he played, but very beatable when he didn't play.
Draymond doesn't show up high on most regular stats, but he has the highest single season plus minus in NBA history.🤯
Plus minus is a calculation of how many points your team scores with you on the court vs with you off the court.
@rysiek Something I've not seen mentioned explicitly in this case but maybe you, having taken more interest, might know: did the original contract the train operating company signed for these trains specify any obligation to get the maintenance work done by Newag?
I assume not as it should have been mentioned but most of what I've read has been anti-Newag so I'm not sure.
As far as I'm concerned there is no reason to not use Conventional Commits, unless you use another structure like C4 commit messages. There is no excuse to use less informative messages on mainline.
On local and on your experimental branch write whatever garbage you need. But if you're comnunicating your commits to mainline, whether it's Linux or it's your hobby project with just one more person, do rebase it to compartmentalized commits with clear changes and standardized descriptions.
#introduction Hi! I’m a postdoc at @ESI_Frankfurt, interested in (#laminar) #MEG, #OPM, in vivo histology (#hMRI), #speech rhythms and open science. I like art, literature and contemporary dance. Happy to have finally made it here!
@evan We have a commit standard in our team, based on Conventional Commits.
I was the less engaged one of two people pushing for it. I am very happy with the outcome compared to the undisciplined mess before it. It's good to have a text to point to.
If you think the US needs to ban TikTok because the Chinese government can run influence ops on it, just wait until you find out how easy it is to influence ops on platforms YOU DON'T EVEN OWN--even wholesome American platforms like our beloved Facebook.