you believe that if the democrats dont win, fascism wins. and you believe that if left-wing democrats criticize the president or refuse to support him, the democrats will surely not win.
the second thing may be true. the u.s. government is controlled by capitalist interests that have a stake in supporting imperialism. one might say that anti-imperialism is politically impossible from within the government. so in that regard, i kind of agree with you.
but the first thing is all backwards. you see, fascism and liberalism are not two competing factions in politics. they are better thought of as being two "attitudes", or two policy directions. it is possible for one government to express both liberalism and fascism. just as crypto-fascists hide behind the language of liberalism to justify themselves, alleged liberals will quickly turn to support a fascist policy or government to save their skins.
if your standard for "liberalism vs fascism" is completely unconnected to an ongoing genocide in gaza, and no amount of genocide could convince you that democrats are anything less than sincere but flawed liberals, you may be one of those liberals who is willing to accept fascism.
actual resistance to fascism consists of nothing less than resistance to capitalism and imperialism, on the part of the organized working class. if you believe that by voting for democrats, you are saving america from fascism, you have already lost.