@inthehands While i sympathize with your point and sentiment, i think the framework you're operating under is off. The oligarchs are also trapped by this machinery. If they don't make the line go up, they are replaced. This is not to excuse them. They chose to deal death and misery to everyone as a "living", they could very walk off. But it's not like they chose to build the machinery this or that way. It has an internal drive to maximize profit, above all else. It's capitalism.
@zdl sure, working on abolishing money and exploitation every day. until then, we need to keep cash so we can have a bit more power and leverage to fight. @wendyg@catileptic@jens
@alcinnz funny you say that, i've just exactly now configured it and set it as the default to try it out. have been seeing the worse results from duckduckgo and also vaguely recall that they were into some shenanigans a while ago
i see so many people today fired from jobs and immediately looking to go wage slaving for some other corporation.
please consider alternatives. band together, build cooperatives. let's claw back some amount of control over our lives. i, for one, am sick of corporate feudal lords and am looking for accomplices for an escape.
@be thanks for this, very informative. i think i may disagree with your depiction of zionism as a "tragedy" and "misguided response". zionism is a specific kind of fascist nationalism and it was engineered. it's rather part of the larger tactic to divide the proletariat along identitarian and ethnic lines. i've also just listened to this podcast which contains perspectives from jewish people, maybe you'd like it: https://rss.com/podcasts/the-antifada/1196863/
@be yes, i got that you're aware and i believe you when you talk about the feedback cycles of racism into the new ethno nationalist zionist project. my point was to think of it as another instance of capital using and twisting any national and identitarian expression to pit proletarians against each other. but maybe splitting hairs here. the main point was that it's not an accident ("tragedy"), it's really fueled to create division.
@be humm. not familiar with that. when i say proletariat i'm talking about the exploited class as a whole ("working" class including those on the margins of employment). as such, all these people align in various ways with the interests of the bourgeoisie, including discrimination of all kinds (racial, ethnic, gender, etc). i'm a proletarian that still aligns with whiteness in ways i don't understand, i'm sure. there's no purity, just the aim to do better, together.
rescue 5 rich guys: around the clock media coverage and no expense is too much, because life is utmost concern rescue countless poor people: rot in jail for 20y you terrorist!!1! https://morningstaronline.co.uk/node/71822
@cstross As for the German-Soviet nonaggression pact, it was a move that Stalin was forced into, as France and the UK refused to acknowledge the nazi threat and make an alliance. The dominant class in these countries wanted nazi germany to invade the USSR so they could then come in and rule over the weakened eastern people and territories. This is hinted at here, for ex: https://www.britannica.com/event/German-Soviet-Nonaggression-Pact 1/2 @yogthos@pettter