NATO was expressly designed as a workaround of the newly-formed United Nations. The UN was supposed to help facilitate diplomacy, prevent conflicts like the world wars, but the UN gave communist and ‘third world’ countries the right to speak/vote. NATO didn’t have that ‘problem.’
@yogthos@pettter Yeah, the US was a hegemonizing thalassic empire with a lot of very unsavoury skeletons in its closet. But in counterpart: the USSR was run by a bloody-handed tyrant with a track record for genocide in, for example, Ukraine (the holodomor, for starters), the Baltic Republics, Poland, and elsewhere.
The UN started out in 1945 as the anti-fascist alliance defined at Yalta. The USSR was one of the legs of that alliance. But then the Cold War brewed up when Stalin installed puppet dictatorships throughout eastern Europe. NATO was a direct response to fear of invasion by a bloodthirsty dictator who'd accidentally ended up on the winning side (remember he'd started out allied with Hitler? Cf. Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and Invasion of Poland).
@cstross As for the German-Soviet nonaggression pact, it was a move that Stalin was forced into, as France and the UK refused to acknowledge the nazi threat and make an alliance. The dominant class in these countries wanted nazi germany to invade the USSR so they could then come in and rule over the weakened eastern people and territories. This is hinted at here, for ex: 1/2 @yogthos@pettter
@cstross@dymaxion@pettter if we're focusing strictly on NATO, then let's talk about Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, and Syria. While all of NATO hasn't been involved every one of these atrocities, US is the key player in NATO and the rest of NATO members have provided support and direct involvement.
These are some of the biggest crimes in human history that killed and ruined the lives of countless millions. This is what NATO stands for.
@dymaxion@cstross@pettter Churchill oversaw a genocide in India where England was extracting food and resources while millions starved, but Europeans don't care about that since Indians don't have blond hair and blue eyes.
@yogthos@dymaxion@pettter See also "Late Victorian Holocausts". Yes, yes, we know this. But we were discussing NATO (which post-dates the end of British occupation of India/Pakistan).
@pettter@yogthos Oh, they've got tons! But I'm going to go with Stalin being only a step behind Hitler in genocide at industrial scale. (Mao's was, I think, mostly unintentional—blundering incompetence.) And the US and UK at least saw genocide as a political/PR liability to be disowned or swept under the rug, not proudly used to terrify rivals into supine compliance.