@glynmoody Fair enough. But these things can be very weird. A friend's condo burned down c. 20 years ago and the only thing that survived was his sourdough starter. Because: he'd stored it in the oven.
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@tinydoctor It's a cute proposal, but I don't understand how it will actually help an individual woman whose account data is demanded by the authorities in her state.
@catileptic I'm opposed to cashlessness for an entirely different reason, which is that it replaces a public infrastructure with a private one.In other areas this has not worked out well...
@maskedscheduler Fair enough. btw, if you're interested Matt Stoller, who specializes in monopoly and antitrust issues, has written (at his Substack, BIG) about Netflix et al destroying Hollywood and breaking the feedback loop of box office/ratings.
@maskedscheduler I was hopeing Ken L would get you on to speculate about the future if this is the present. I would love to think it will fuel the creation of new independent production companies. It's a lot more doable now. Until that piece I thought the future was the same content being available everywhere and streaing services competing on quality of interface & service. I'm glad I stuck with DVDs...But Disney is discontinuing DVDs in Australia, likely another move that will spread.
@maskedscheduler Isn't it kind of a death wish, though, to remove public access to popular products? And won't it drive creators to find other ways to do their stuff and retain control? It's got to be really discouraging not to be sure whether the work you're doing will ever be seen. (Like the shows the piece mentioned that were pulled on the eve of going live).
Freelance writer specializing in the intersection of computers, freedom, and privacy, aka "net.wars", published every Friday at netwars.pelicancrossing.net. (#NetWars). Contributing editor, Plutopia News Network podcast. Regular visitor to the Tech Grumps podcast. Founder The Skeptic (UK). Folksinger. See https://www.pelicancrossing.net for more. also @wendyg on Bluesky. New folk music CD 2024: The Last Trip Home, https://www.pelicancrossing.net/lasttriphome.htm