The same Republicans sneering at queer people for supporting Palestinian human rights are the ones who push bills and laws in the United States to treat queer people precisely the way Republicans falsely believe all Arabs treat queer people. Also: anti-gay law in Palestine was made by white people.
@escarpment@Outersider@redrozalia@VPS_Reports the point is that even though Hamas and Iran are terrible, that doesn't mean you shouldn't support Palistine's liberation from the colonial oppression of the Israeli state. Two things can be bad at once. Also, all of Palestine is not identical to Hamas. The people there are not all evil. Pretending they are such that it justifies callousness to their oppression is... concerning.
@Outersider@redrozalia@VPS_Reports I don't understand what you and the other person find so objectionable about what I said that you think I'm evil, have no shred of humanity, and need help,
@escarpment@redrozalia@VPS_Reports Jesus christ, what the fuck is wrong with you? Being a Democrat doesn't stop you from not having any shred of humanity, whatsoever. Jesus fucking christ, get help.
@redrozalia@VPS_Reports You are lecturing me about how I'm so biased for condemning the backwards policies of Iran and Hamas because the US is just as bad.
I think that even if the US got 10x worse, it would never be as bad as those entities.
@escarpment@VPS_Reports holy shit! fuck you! im glad you support those nice things, but also, fuck you! i am trans and a jew. I NEVER DECLARED THAT I'D "PREFER TO LIVE IN IRAN". are you an ignoramus or just evil, what is wrong with you?
jailing and torturing women for NOT wearing hijabs? to my knowledge this doesnt happen, but considering the fact that "muslim ban" and "muslim registry" have been serious suggestions by the republicans, i would argue the opposite is more possible.
orwellian morality police? er... they do keep banning a shit ton of books. the smearing of trans and queer people as "groomers" has been going on for years. they overturned roe v. wade and are now attempting to ban abortion everywhere possible.
sponsoring terrorist organizations? are you fucking kidding, have you read ANY recent american history? ruhollah khomeini, saddam hussein, manuel noriega, usama bin-laden, abu bakr al-baghdadi, all of these motherfuckers have been lent a hand by the u.s. at some point.
so yes! you ARE in fact being disproportionally biased. all of these things are true of iran, yes, but they are at least as true if not more true of the u.s.a. and especially its extreme right-wing republican party.
@redrozalia@VPS_Reports No, not for having the same opinion. For having numerous policies that are chilling and retrograde. I condemn Iran for its creepy public comments that sound like the ramblings of a serial killer. And for the taking of American hostages. And jailing and torturing women for not wearing hijabs. And their Orwellian morality police.
@redrozalia@VPS_Reports I condemn Iran for their unelected supreme leader who enthusiastically commingles mosque and state, and in Orwellian fashion disallows any criticism or disagreement with him.
@escarpment @VPS_Reports if you condemn them ten times as much for essentially having the same opinion, it means that you are disproportionally biased.
consider that you can condemn homophobia no matter which country it comes from, while also condemning imperialism. instead of turning every dispute into a battle of Us and Them, think critically.
@VPS_Reports Go give it a try. Go try a gay pride March in Gaza city. Then try it out in Tehran. I condemn republicans for their stance on LGBT rights, but I condemn Hamas and Iran 10x as much.
@anarchopunk_girl @Outersider@VPS_Reports no need to be "concerned", escarpment is in fact a staunch zionist. all they seem to do is go into random threads and rant about how evil hamas is, which is why you should support and defend israel. they arent worth bothering with.