@evan Americans, by all meams, do learn about the Canadian political system. It has value in its own right, but you'll even understand your own government better by understanding how others do things differently.
1. For Canada it's a good decision; one way or the other, we need a government with a new mandate to confront the #TrumpTariffs.
2. For the Liberals, it's a good strategy: #MarkCarney is still in his honeymoon period, election spending limits prevent the #CPC from using their full warchest, and it would concern Canadians to have Parliament resume with the PM outside of the House of Commons.
It has a nice #plugin for #Kodi also. I have Kodi running on an old RaspberryPi hooked up to a large screen TV, and that I watch most of my movies on it using the Kodi/Jellyfin system.
If you have DVDs and CDs around, I think it makes a lot of sense to rip them to a drive and host them with Jellyfin.
@evan Yes. It was a close election, and there were many factors that, electorally minor in themselves, might have been enough to swing the election the other way.
To the specific question of "wokeness", there's polling evidence that "latinx" was opposed by Hispanics. Its use was a sign that Ds had grown disconnected from a significant voting bloc, and directly offensive to some.
(The big error of Ds was of course President Biden's not dropping out earlier.)
@evan High. I prefer the way the civil service functions in Canada, taking orders from the ministry, but independent, non-partisan and ultimately serving the Crown rather than the government of the day. But there are some virtues to a system as in the US with heavy turn-over of the upper levels of the civil service when a new administration comes in: fresh ideas, people with experience from outside government, alignment with the elected officials.
@evan Shouldn't complain about my own life *knocks on wood*. But I do see signs of serious problems in my society, most obviously the increased number of homeless people.
@evan I answered over a year, since I haven't gone out for a show in long time; but with a little reflection I realise that there's live music at Mass on Sunday, and in fact I've heard the piano in my house even more recently than that.