@ThatCrazyDude@Dan_Ramos I will wear a valved N100. Comfy. Barely notice I have it on. If you want to risk your life from COVID20 or whatever, don't wear one, but also don't tell me I can't use a valved mask.
@Maholmire If one person infiltrated the left and said "I refuse to call it 'The N word'; I prefer 'The letter before O, word'", they'd all start fearfully doing that in an instant.
Look at the gay flag; it has brown and black in it, and it will only get more bloated with time as they're all too terrified of being the one guy to say "Uh, maybe shouldn't add, IDK, the Muslin Star and Crescent to it..." Husky_1691864663059_JCDCIRT37H.png
@JAJAX@graf Would you mind filling me in on #4? I'm new. I just assume people who grew up on heavily moderated websites just can't operate without their tattletale "Mommy he said the bad word ban him" mentality.
Was it just Poast has too many Nazis? That's because they're banned everywhere else; stop fucking banning speech and they won't get so concentrated in the few places they aren't banned, imo.
@kaia@11112011 Kids think hiding under a blanket makes the monsters go away. Women throw objects at people, but look away and don't care to see whether it hits them or not.
Women and weak men have profoundly reshaped internet discourse.
@p@jeff@captain_arepa@spitfire You really just have to do your own research on 9/11 before you jump to any conclusions. The turning point for me was after I loaded up Bin Laden's Animal Crossing: Wild World save file and spent a few months in his town: https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/index.html I realized there was no way he could have been the mastermind behind the attacks.
@mia I suspect you're just misreading my descriptive statements as prescriptive; African Americans insisted they wanted extremely harsh policing and drug enforcement, and now they want the exact opposite, but although their prescriptive demands have flipped, they still want the same thing; less crime and drug abuse. Although I fall more on the "Send more aid" camp and P, well, somewhere not on it, this is not me being "pro Ukraine" vs P being "pro Russia". I don't want to discuss prescriptive strategies because it is boring, gets too fucking heated, and involves a lot of loose guess work and predictions that we can't actually calculate the likelihood of being right.
The only "should" I said was "I am not even saying what we should or should not do", but P did delve into whether we should "free the shit out of" Ukraine, but you can't simultaneously complain I'm writing books over here, and also that I don't address his prescriptive opinions if I myself am trying to avoid that. I don't want to advocate my prescriptive opinions, even though I do have them, I just don't know how I would convince somebody else of them; I wrote a whole "book" about my grandfather to better explain where I am coming from, but you seem to have missed the point of that and brushed it aside as prescriptive war mongering.
TLDR: If you need a tldr, just don't involve yourself in concersations you don't have the attention span to read.
@p >-it might be better to just ask, and then we're communicating instead of trying to push something.
I still plan on Saturday or Sunday compiling a little list of questions about some historical facts leading up to the Ukraine Russia war; they'll be formatted like "Do you believe X happened before Y". I'll also give you a link to some sources/articles so if you'd rather your first reply be more of a refutation of my potential refutations, you can do that.
As much preamble as this was, I think setting the stage for a discussion that isn't bad faith evangelizing, where we steel-man each other's opinions instead of straw-manning them, is always worth it; there is no shortage of yelling matches online, and not nearly enough honest discussions. :)
Bro, everyone hating Russia was said right alongside POLLING DATA. You think polling data is opinions? Well go find other polls and we can figure that out or something.
Every fact you don't like is not just some subjective opinion of mine.
>Also please don't repeat the one word vague esoteric shit, "I'm into x I just read about on wikipedia once." Spare me.
Look, if everything about me annoys you, why not block me? Honestly. Asking me to speak differently just to appease you? I'm not doing that. Pyrrhonism pyrrhonism pyrrhonisn. I read about it on wikipedia, isn't it neat?
But in all seriousness, having you brutally disagree with me is not a bad thing; if I am wrong and a fucking idiot, I don't want to continue in that state forever. I do wish you could be less mean, but I am an elf after all so I can understand.
@coolboymew@vixn You probably got the same as me. Just open the box and slide the analog stick in all directions, listening for a somewhat loud click during extension. Also, see if came with a sticker to cover the gap, or if after removing the cap (just pull it off, it is fine) there is a little black plastic/silicone dodad on the stick that comes off.
@coolboymew@vixn I got the newest batch that 1)Has no weird click during use 2) Has no gap so no sticker 3) Has an odd, I think silicone anti-friction, dome under the stick by default 4)Didn't even need to be calibrated, although it benefited a little from it
I'd avoid some resellers if they still have older revisions, though.
@p >-I don't know where the timeline of events you are referring to would start or what the scope would be; it sounds like it could be a lot of effort for something that would not be actionable, even if we were to acquire perfect knowledge of it.
To me this is multiple things: a chance for me to learn something from you, a potentially entertaining in-depth discussion about history/politics, a chance for me to better understand my own beliefs and refine them, and lastly a chance to convince you of a few things I think we differ on that I am moderately confident I can prove my case about. If you merely see me as a Mormon knocking on your door advocating for my religion, know that I am not even saying what we should or should not do in regards to Ukraine to achieve the best or least bad results.
Do you know very much about the German revolutions of 1848? My 3rd great grandfather from the Kingdom of Hanover fought for similar values as what founded The United States. He fought for his freedom, and lost. Everybody hated the king. Everybody wanted to unify Germany. But mere Liberty could not sway over those who wanted much more radical social reforms; it splintered, and it failed. You could say Classical Liberalism went to war against Proto-Communism, but they both lost, and then we got World War 1 & 2 and the Cold War.
He immigrated somewhere that shared his belief system; the United States of America. Once here he opened a small store where he made and sold furniture; my family hands down some of his works even today and I have a lot of fond memories as a kid building blanket fortresses under a wooden table he built. The Classical Liberal values he believed in failed in his homeland, but when the Civil War started only about a decade later, he'd rather die than let them fail twice. He had all of his sons fight, helped convince other German families as well to join, and partly through his and other local German's efforts Missouri was notoriously contested during the war and historians largely credit German immigrants in Missouri for why the state was so contested. Here's an interesting lecture on it: https://invidious.io.lol/watch?v=y5vjbJ-9U0o
What point am I making? Well I mostly just think it is an interesting story, but there is one:
History, global events, ideology, can be just a dumb thing like sports for people to bicker over, but for others it can feel way closer to home and real. I feel like Ukrainians are just like my Great Great Great grandfather; I don't want them to have to flee their homeland to be free.
I'll say more probably on the weekend, but I just wanted to make a little progress getting over "Why even talk about it?", although I doubt I made much.
@meso@11112011@Arkana@Polfusilier@charlie_root@p Rossman did not sign some official letter of endorsement of Techlore, sure. But did he shut his mouth and go ask for the other side of the story? Or did he use his massive brand first, make a public statement BEFORE HE EVEN DID REAL RESEARCH, and then just refuse to delete his comment because "Nobody tells MEEEE what to do!"?
I will admit, I stayed clear of Daniel because I read the stories and his comments in general were of the "You are wrong and you should feel bad" verity, so I am sorry you had bad encounters with him. That sucks. I wish Stallman during interviews wouldn't throw a fit every five minutes if he even mind of got interupted.
@p@shedinja@mmmfeet Holy shit, interesting. I try to not see spies/state agents everywhere I go, but knowing how much money every government pumps into that kind of thing, I can't help but always wonder.
https://https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=1-2&smp=smp%3A%2F%2FenEkec4hlR3UtKx2NMpOUKK4ZuDxjWBO1d9Y4YXVaA%3D%40smp14.simplex.im%2FKocfuu4aaF-ennopm0xVF3n5RzZL40sY%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAIOBf4gP4bvK6SSnyuoljKI6WHCTaOZgLc4akPPaOms%253D%26srv%3Daspkyu2sopsnizbyfabtsicikr2s4r3ti35jogbcekhm3fsoeyjvgrid.onion"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.Were an opinion a personal possession of no value except to the owner; if to be obstructed in the enjoyment of it were simply a private injury, it would make some difference whether the injury was inflicted only on a few persons or on many. But the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more t