LA fire coverage: idiot camera operators focus on speaker podium but cut off half of the sign language interpreter. Seen on multiple television channels.
“Musk could be the first [U.S.] oligarch,” Kasparov said. “Having the largest private contractor of the U.S. government potentially being in the position of supervising the entire U.S. budget? I mean, just think about it. If this is not classical oligarchy, what is it?”
“Oligarchy is not about the amount of money. Oligarchy is about blurring the line, erasing the line, between business and government.”
Matt Gaetz brought his fatal attraction Cross-state for a piece of his action She was just seventeen And you know what I mean Now he's desperate for any distraction
His camera set for the scenes Matt Gingerly pulls off her jeans But nought will arise 'Till he closes his eyes Imagining back in her teens
Carl Sagan was a user and advocate of marijuana. Under the pseudonym "Mr. X", he contributed an essay about smoking cannabis to the 1971 book Marihuana Reconsidered. The essay explained that marijuana use had helped to inspire some of Sagan's works and enhance sensual and intellectual experiences.
@feditips That was only happening for a couple of days around Aug 6 when I posted the complaint. It hasn't been doing that lately.
What it does still do is this: when at the top of my feed (in slow mode) I click to see the new posts, it drops me at some random point between where I was (the topmost toot visible pre-click) and the newest toot post-click (i.e. somewhere in the middle of the newly-visible toots).
I'd rather it left me at the last toot I already read, with new ones above.
@feditips The behavior on (using Firefox on Linux) changed yesterday and is still broken today. After drilling down into a post, when I return "Back" to my "Home" display it does not return me to where I was -- usually it goes to the very top (most recent posts) of the feed.
This despite me being in "slow mode" (it does still show me the "n new items" prompt at the top).
This is annoying because I have to then scroll down trying to find where I was.
No. Military officers are prohibited from obeying illegal orders. There was some uncertainty about that for a while, but they started to make it clear, as I noted in this tweet I posted June 9, 2020.
California, Ireland, Colorado.MS Math/CompSci UCLA.Locus, Sun Microsystems; PDP-11, x86, C, Go.Programming since 1973.I wrote the program that calculated the GPA that appears on my high-school transcript.Starting in 1984 I led the project at Locus to create the first x86 virtual machine, to run MS-DOS under Unix, on the AT&T 6300 Plus ( lines in the avatar are horizontal.née Twitter @weaselx86There should be no profit in human misery.