I know what’s SUPPOSED to happen—impeachment, trial, conviction, and expulsion—but the chances that 18 GOP Senators will vote for the Constitution over the Federalist Society are slim.
No, really—when (not if, when) a Federal judge says that the Executive can’t unilaterally dissolve a Congressionally-created Federal agency, and the circuit agrees, and SCOTUS lets the injunction stand, what’s going to happen when the White House says “Fuck you” and ignores them?
“He won’t pardon all J6 felons, he’ll be selective” <pardons everybody> “The trans thing was just an election ploy” <broad bans on trans existence> “He isn’t serious about deporting everybody” <opens Guantanamo> “He isn’t serious about tarriffs, they’re inflationary” <imposes tarriffs>
All of this is about white male minority rule fighting back against their inevitable (and just) loss of privilege and entitlement. It won’t succeed, but it could take a long time and harm millions in its failure.
It’s probably institutionalist of me but I just don’t think that one’s entire presidential cabinet should have conflicts of interest with their personal businesses, be unable to pass an FBI background check, and not be allowed within 100 feet of a schoolyard
The NYPD is searching Manhattan for all persons insured by United Healthcare who have been denied coverage for ruinously costly treatment of debilitating conditions.
A snare drum beats a tattoo of sixteenth-note triplets for four bars in 3/4 time. It’ll do this for 340 bars.
Accompanying it are a viola and violoncello, plucking staggered quarter notes, pianissimo.
Then a solo flute comes in, also pianissimo, playing a melodic theme 1. It’s two 8-bar phrases. When it’s done, a clarinet plays melodic theme 2, also for two 8-bar phrases, while a second flute mirrors the snare’s tattoo.
You’ve heard the whole piece in 38 bars. From here on, it’s repetition.
• Two retired generals who served in TCF’s administration describe him explicitly as fascist
• Both TCF and billionaire henchman Musk are in frequent communication with Putin
• In a GOP administration Musk would control expenditures and Kennedy the well being of the citizenry
• Harris garnered endorsements from Schwarzenegger, Beyoncé, CharliXCX, Nicky Jam, Samuel L. Jackson, Bad Bunny, Mark Cuban, Bill Gates, 23 Nobelists in economics, Bush’s daughter, and McCain’s son
there’s a very efficient thermonuclear reactor that generates about 470 terawatts of power 24/7, uses no fissile material so there’s no waste, comes with a built-in lossless global distribution mechanism, and won’t run out of fuel for another 5 billion years or so.
So far its main customer is agricultural, with indistrial and residential use increasing. Sadly it’s implicated in certain cancers, but that risk can be managed with inexpensive fabric barrier technology.
Yes it’s BuzzFeed and a listicle but this is really good insight into the varieties of thought processes in the independent sector. https://apple.news/AaeRVzQ9yTiyGERTyVwTZ7g