@dansup Yeah, I think I agree here (that is, if I understand your point).
The ideal situation would be that "switching instances" was easy enough to not even bother with the whole "how to choose an instance" part up front -- later, you can learn about it and decide where to land, because switching is easy enough to just do it.
You can also very easily launch an Onion service after installing my other project https://meejah.ca/projects/txtorcon by doing: twistd web --port "onion:80" --path ~/public_html
(If you're on Debian, the above should work after an "apt install python3-txtorcon")
@isagalaev I 100% agree with what seems to be @mitsuhiko 's main point there: that trying to bolt typing onto Python is not a great idea, and has led to *far* less readable Python, overall.
If you want a strongly-typed language, there are plenty to choose from. #python#haskell
(I too don't want to re-hash all the argument for or against types, and I do know C++, Java and at least enough Haskell to be dangerous)
@diazona@isagalaev@mitsuhiko For example, the Ethereum 2 (or whatever, the proof-of-stake stuff) specifications literally used Python for their example / pseudo code (and even had unit-tests for them).
Pretty hard to do that with type-hints involved.
There's also a "Python3" level of extra work for library authors. I kind of dread the first ticket filed for "give me type-hints in txtorcon" -- because if one dep lacks type-hints, many benefits go away.
@diazona@isagalaev@mitsuhiko Nearly into "re-hashing typing vs. untyped" arguments here, but what I'm getting at is that un-typed Python reads an awful lot like pseudo-code. Once you start putting type-hints on it, that all breaks down.
So, I'm also agreeing with Armin on the fact that there _are_ benefits to static/strict typing but Python's isn't very good at the "advanced" aspects of that and also has the huge downside of "hard to read" (esp. for someone who's a programmer, but not Python)
@diazona@isagalaev@mitsuhiko So, I agree there are benefits to stronger typing. Most of the code I've produced is C++ ... but the very thing I like most about Python is being eroded by bolt-on type-hinting (that _still_ isn't very good, IMO, and very hard to read or type properly for remotely complex things).
If you like real types, use Haskell or something ;)
@diazona@isagalaev@mitsuhiko I like that it's extremely readable. Looking "practically like pseudocode" was an example of just _how_ readable it is -- it makes great generic examples!
For me, type-hints greatly decrease that for many, many readers. Only in larger projects do they start to make sense. I don't want a slower, less-parallel C++ -- I want something nicer to read and write!
Also I don't believe the tale of them being "optional"...already, they're pretty non-optional.
Professional freelance programmer (#python, #haskell, #c++, #linux)https://meejah.cahttps://txtorcon.readthedocs.orghttps://carml.readthedocs.org#twisted #python #tor #infosec #privacyI re-toot all reasonable replies"rumoured to be Canadian"