As someone who has worked in supply chain automation, there is no elegant code solution to real-world problems.
Even Amazon, who one might argue has perfected the art of moving and tracking large numbers of things, has done so through (a) massive investment in infrastructure and (b) hiring a massive number of human employees who are (c) held to inhumanly strict rules in (d) a mostly closed and highly-controlled environment.
Real life is messy; you need people (and often experts) to manage it.
Everyone is going to get hurt. But some people are going to lose their jobs *this week* and be staring down the barrel of homelessness and starvation - many of them in a country where social services have been suddenly defunded.
This is going to be a brutal week for everyone, but working Americans and immigrants are going to bear the worst of it.
Over $1T of stock value was destroyed overnight as a result of recent actions by the US. More is likely to come.
I feel not for the investors, but for the millions of people who work in farming, shipping, retail, and manufacturing worldwide whose livelihoods will be negatively affected by these pointless and destructive actions.
The only silver lining is that, having read Piketty, I understand that a lot of capital just needs to be burned if we are to have a chance to preserve democracy.
I just paid rent. It was free, through my bank app, and got to my landlord basically instantly. All I needed was my property manager's email address.
I could send money to a friend the same way.
This doesn't sound much different than ACH or PayPal but I assure you it is 1000% nicer.
One of the many things you don't realize living in the US is how much friction is added to basically everything you do to ensure some middleman or service provider can profit off of it.
How many times I wish for G+ style circles or even muts only posts. There's shitposting I want to do that is 100% not appropriate or safe for broad consumption.
Watching Ted Lasso for the first time and, several observations:
- Everyone talks about how nice and sweet Ted is but that man chooses violence every time and it's wonderful. He put all his points into social combat and moustache and he's all out of moustache.
- Keely is the best character in the show and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
One thing that always brings me joy is seeing people responding to something with 👍🏻👍🏼👍🏽👍🏾👍🏿 and remembering what a big deal it was when they added different skin tones to Unicode and how now you can just make it so that all your emoji look like you by default.