@_elena looks great! Maybe add it to your websites and add a Creative Commons license to make your intentions clear, e.g. if you want it to be shared and give credit use: CC-BY-SA etc.
@dansup perhaps you are already talking with them, but if not, @publicspaces, @edri seem like organisations that might be interesting organisations to talk about this.
Btw, I very much applaud that you have taken action on this. Like you wrote, it could be seen as conflict if interest. Keep up the good work!
@molly0xfff A thought: if you're selling the stickers as a digital file, than afaict you do not need a representative in the EU. IANAL. @max@simonschreibt
Sometime ago somebody shared a screenshot of a service with a cookie message along the lines of: "We take your privacy seriously" while there also was a list of 600+ vendors with whom data would be shared. Does anyone have this screenshot & the source? I think this was by Microsoft MS365?
Testing the automagically importing from YouTube option. I still had a channel on #YouTube with #music & #sound tinkering which I wanted to move to PeerTube for quite some time.
#Makertube seemed like a nice site, so I decided to apply for an account to play with @peertube without having to clean up my vps or create another one 😉
Got my account approved, donated some money for the hosting & now my YouTube footage is moving towards the #Fediverse. Pretty cool 🤓 😎
De NL overheid is vrijwel geheel afhankelijk van bigtech uit de VS. En de trend neigt naar nog meer afhankelijkheid, zoals @bert_hubert hier beschrijft:
Had a great conversation on public organisations & fediverse @fediforum. Been listening a lot to the other conversations as well. Good vibes & interesting topics discussed. Need to chew a bit more on this, so to speak.
Most #bigtech social media platforms allow personalisation: like a profile picture or a header image for example.
What if we'd use these to advertise the #fediverse? Help those unaware of the existence of the fediverse to explore it & experience the Internet as intended.
Use those in-active Twitter/X, Facebook, Instagram etc accounts for some good!
What do you think? Could we organize something like this?
Lives in The Netherlands, EU. Works as self-employed tech consultant & software developer. Likes to tinker & has way too many interests :) Likely to toot in NL/EN on: #technology #techpolicy, #opensource #openstandards #opencontent #publicdomain #creativecommons #copyright #sustainability #diy #infosec #security #data #privacy #accessibility #ui #ux #interactiondesign #ethics #webdevelopment #devops #sysadmin #climatecrisis #food #music #linux #debian #ubuntuToots vanish after 3 months