I'm sure a lot of web folk are going to say "wow you're late to the party" but the fact that the <h1> tag's text size shrinks for every <article> or <section> it's inside of, but the other tags (like <h2>) do not.
That is a *BONKERS* decision and it's apparently intentional
@eniko I spent so long debugging this because I thought surely there was something fucky in my css but it's just ... like this? And it's *in the spec like this*????
@vez Back in the stone age (like between 1994 and 1997 I think?) I used to hand-code images into Pov-Ray (which would then, of course, use *even more math* to render them)
Loved figuring out how to describe objects by assembling shapes or surfaces of revolution to get cooler objects
One thing that's hard to find in #PLDev work is how to set up good error handling (both in terms of parse recovery as well as error messages).
It's interesting because it seems like such an important part of writing a language of any kind - if you think about the percentage times you compile your code and what percentage of *that* tends to have error messages in it, the error flow is just as important as the success flow -- but resources on it seem slim.
Anyone happen to know of any good reads in that regard?
The only good thing about working in a codebase that has some vestiges of hungarian notation is that sometimes you have to name a variable "ppProducer" and it's funny every time
@kriswd40 What's extra frustrating is that some of them are *really* well-made, and if they were presented as a fan trailer it'd be like "oh yeah shit I wanna see that" but instead, this bullshit.
Anyone who says code is self-documenting has clearly never had anyone ever ask "what is this code even doing?" during a code review about code that they thought was perfectly clear.
Somewhere in the Mushroom Kingdom, a Science Toad is proposing a conjecture that their entire super mario world is really just a holographic projection on the surface of a black hole
"I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the red shell would not be destroyed as I had planned. It continued falling into that pixelated expanse of which I had only a fleeting glimpse"
@kriswd40 Same but Seattle area, so $300k to 800k(!!)
I could ABSOLUTELY not afford this house now, even on what feels like it should be a very good salary. This is a basic-ass split level, in no world should it be 800k
@charlesgaba@BlackAzizAnansi when I was a kid, we were on a road trip and at one point, while we were on a cloverleaf ramp, I asked where we were, and my grandma said "we're just driving around Chicago" and so I thought Chicago was the name of the little patch of grass in the middle of the cloverleaf loop
"software cryptozoology": a pseudoscience and subculture that searches for and studies the benefits of blockchain technologies whose present existence is disputed or unsubstantiated