@tux Es sollte eigentlich das Gegenteil sein. Das Löschen hatte eine Zeitlang ein Problem, aber das ist beseitigt. Laut meinem Monitoring werden bei mir einmal pro Tag Beiträge gelöscht:
@jwildeboer When the Social WG discussed about the protocol, I provided commentary. At that point in time, I already had worked with the Diaspora protocol and knew their way of distributing comments. I'm not totally sure anymore, but I can imagine that I suggested that to the WG as well.
But I guess that AP inherited their current behaviour from pump.io. Sadly also LD signatures didn't took of. So we would need a different method of authenticating especially non public posts.
@futurebird Of course some people will believe this. It’s based on the cult myth that Donald Trump is a strong man when all he does is being mean verbally. If you believe this myth, you’re primed to believe all the subsequent fables depending on it.
@BlumeEvolution Moin! Was ist genau mit den "Arche-Regionen" aus dem Blogbeitrag gemeint? Steht dahinter die Vermutung, dass das (menschliche) Leben außerhalb dieser Regionen nicht mehr möglich sein wird und dass in Zukunft nur ein kleiner Teil der Landmasse überhaupt bewohnbar sein wird?
@notclacke Please stop sharing links to Vorhies’ thread. Nothing in it indicates it’s genuinely linked with the CrowdStrike bug, but the racist and misogynistic vitriol at the end of it is very real.
I was caught in the middle of an OS update (Windows) I looked 'round and I knew there was no turning back (Windows) My mind raced and I thought, what could I do? (Windows) And I knew there was no help, no help from you (Windows) Sound of the drums beating in my heart The thunder of BSOD tore me apart