@jeffcliff@AnungIkwe What are you betting on? A new pandemic? The outbreak of World War 3? A stock market crash? A power blackout? The fall of the cabal? Simply betting that something won't happen is boring.😜 If your prediction is correct, you will receive the golden Nostradamus orden on the ribbon.
@jeffcliff@AnungIkwe@Kuenga The latest variants of SARS-CoV-2 have reduced virulence with few exceptions (rare cases where people get long corvid). Russian Flu hypothesis seems more credible every update. You focus on the 5% number but ignore how many untested positives there are.
Not really. The difference was, for a time, people were vaccinated against it. Now the recent-vaccination-rate has dropped and the death rate/hospitalization is ticking back up.
@jeffcliff@AnungIkwe@Kuenga Post source or I don't believe. Even the conspiracy bros have stopped tracking things to disprove the lies, and you know they thrive on being contrarian (at least the pre-Q ones). >We're at the low point of a wave and death rate here is still *8x* the low point of the pandemic, nevermind normal. How does that compare to age adjusted mortality for the past 20 years? Narrow it down to Caucasian Canadians too for accuracy.
@jeffcliff@AnungIkwe@Kuenga Forgot to mention, "Doc" has told me about the drop in virulence and how it's present everywhere regardless of vaccination.
@Sui@BowsacNoodle@AnungIkwe@Kuenga Vaccines "failed" because the government decided that the pandemic was pretty much over before they were even rolled out.
>, expected number of infections per vaccinated person infected with covid is above 1.
> Wouldn't matter if every single person on the planet had 5 vaccines a day, it would still exponentially spread.
Yeah, if vaccines were the only thing we did sure. But they wouldn't be, if we were serious about actually stopping covid.
Vaccines failed, expected number of infections per vaccinated person infected with covid is above 1. Wouldn't matter if every single person on the planet had 5 vaccines a day, it would still exponentially spread.
Timing of rollout doesn't matter if the vaccine doesn't work (which it doesn't). That's a hypothetical number being marketed by people with various vested interests in the vaccines having positive results, it could just of easily have caused more deaths than it prevented.
All the vaccines, surgical masks and 6' social distancing in the world wouldn't even get the r(0) down to 1.. Pretty much everything that was told to us was totally ineffective at best, harmful at worst. It has caused a bunch of retards to spout shit like "masks don't work" and various other crap that is going to dramatically increase fatalities/damage on the next bioweapon release. The only thing we could've done to stop covid was thoroughly nuke china right at the start, as soon as it hit the major populations like africa it was already too far though. We've lost the war against viruses unless we can somehow reform the entire medical industry to care about something other than profit.. A lot of CEOs need to be Luigi'd.
>Timing of rollout doesn't matter if the vaccine doesn't work (which it doesn't).
Sure it does. That's why ring vaccination works.
> That's a hypothetical number being marketed by people with various vested interests in the vaccines having positive results,
No, that's from what the vaccine actually does, as measured by large-scale studies.
> it could just of easily have caused more deaths than it prevented.
No, it didn't.
> All the vaccines, surgical masks and 6' social distancing in the world wouldn't even get the r(0) down to 1
We should be using N95 masks, shutting down schools and football games if we want to be serious.
> Pretty much everything that was told to us was totally ineffective at best, harmful at worst.
Dead wrong. Surgical masks help. Social distancing helps. Vaccines help. All reduce R_0. Though, as you point out, there's been a consistent source of people willing to spread it, antivaxxers, antimaskers, and covidiots who "refuse to comply" to social distancing measures.
> It has caused a bunch of retards to spout shit like "masks don't work" and various other crap that is going to dramatically increase fatalities/damage on the next bioweapon release.
Covid is not a lableak, either.
> The only thing we could've done to stop covid
We ARE going to stop covid and this is not up for debate.
> was thoroughly nuke china right at the start,
You forget china has nukes and can and will retaliate to such a thing.
> We've lost the war against viruses
Not as long as I'm still breathing.
> unless we can somehow reform the entire medical industry to care about something other than profit..
January 2nd - Grauniad says that there are no aliens and only anti-vaxer conspiracy theorists think it. January 4th - Alien invasion scheduled. January 6th - Grauniad says there was one alien invasion and why far-right people are so obsessed. January 14th - Alienpox. January 20th - Grauniad says there are aliens invading but this is a good thing thing because diversity is our strength. January 21st - Alienpox renamed APox (because racism, duh). January 29th - test for APox available and masks issued for schools in California and Islington. February 1st - Grauniad says that we will have aliens invade us and it's good for the economy. February 3rd - Bill Gates announces vaccine for APox in development. February 15th - Alien kills woman on NY subway. February 16th - man arrested for attempting to stop alien from killing her.
Fauci has never been wrong; he was always lying. There's a difference.
Tiffany Dover, still dead. We all watched it on live video. Who you gonna believe, Fauci or your lying eyes? Even if you swallow that bullshit about how she just went on vacation after they revived her corpse, they won't revive you. Damar Hamlin, died on the field on live television. They carted him off to the hospital and revived him after a massive heart attack. But they won't revive you.
Sui sui sui... there is no changing Jeff. He's the type that will literally believe Luigi was the actual killer if Mario himself provided a signed confession and all of the actual evidence.
The only sources that were not actively silenced until fairly recently were in line with fauci's "science", not the scientific method. It's confirmation bias and nothing else tbh.
> Dead wrong. Surgical masks help. Social distancing helps. Vaccines help. All reduce R_0.
Every single one of those was overhyped, which led to people believing that they couldn't spread it. "Pandemic of the unvaccinated" over and over, scraps of fabric stop saliva but it's fucking airborne. Social distancing does jack shit, and those screens they put up decrease ventilation which would've helped the air quality/viral density a lot more.
Also vaccinating the non high risks is like when they were throwing antibiotics at everyone. It causes them to evolve to overcome the threat, and those "superviruses" will kill more high risk people who become infected. And that's without even factoring in the myriad of very common side effects from the experimental clot shots.
> Though, as you point out, there's been a consistent source of people willing to spread it, antivaxxers, antimaskers, and covidiots who "refuse to comply" to social distancing measures.
The politicians and big pharma caused that to skyrocket, and partisans caused that sentiment to spread even further.
> Covid is not a lableak, either.
Technically two lab leaks, the 2nd was a fuck up of an emergency vaccine that china was trying to develop to limit the damage from the first release in ~November. It was funded by america, and a lot of the sources you believe are gospel were heavily financially invested in it. It's no longer a "conspiracy theory" btw.
> We ARE going to stop covid and this is not up for debate.
We can't even stop the flu or common cold, let alone a bioweapon lol
> I live in canada, that part is irrelevant here.
You don't think big pharma has an influence on you because you're not in america? Lol ok. They're all fucking corrupt, the non sociopaths are weeded out like with the police and politicians, they do not care about people only profits. They make more money by treating symptoms than causes, they are financially encouraged for more people to suffer and die.
@JollyR@Sui@Red_Hat@jeffcliff@AnungIkwe@Kuenga Even minor viruses can cause "long symptoms" like when you get a cough for a whole month after influenza. Corvid nineteen can cause mariokartitis, and it had a higher rate of serious reactions early on when it was. The vax caused it in a lot of people, especially the young and healthy who weren't likely to have severe viral infections. Very sad.
@jeffcliff@AnungIkwe@Kuenga Yet my neighy was "voluntarily terminated" from his company because he did the same and opted not to take the vax. Shame his healthy younger brother didn't do the same and had a stroke.
Took me a minute to figure out you're talking about myocarditis. Yeah, that's a common one. In olden days, they'd pull a vax off the market after a hundred or so cases of adverse results. This time, they just pushed the propaganda and ignored the side effects and bulldozed ahead with it. My conclusion is that they have been trying to kill people. Now they're pushing a shot for RSV, which was always one of those things babies pass around in daycare, and then have natural immunity after. If you look at it in the electron microscope, RSV is a scary looking virus, but so far it hasn't created a race of lizard people..
@Sui@JollyR@Red_Hat@jeffcliff@AnungIkwe@Kuenga >they paid companies to push a narrative that anyone even mentioning side effects were "conspiracy theorists" or worse and should be ostracized. Social media was automatically banning people for going against the narratives. This is what really irked me. My wife didn't see the big deal, but I felt like the world was going insane. How can you say something is safe when it has zero testing? The more they dug in on that point, the more I resisted and insisted.
Bit more malicious than just ignoring the side effects, they paid companies to push a narrative that anyone even mentioning side effects were "conspiracy theorists" or worse and should be ostracized. Social media was automatically banning people for going against the narratives.
@JollyR@Sui@Red_Hat@jeffcliff@AnungIkwe@Kuenga >Now they're pushing a shot for RSV, which was always one of those things babies pass around in daycare, and then have natural immunity after. RSV is actually scary. A friend of mine almost lost his month old baby. No daycare in the house, and rsv just randomly going around in late spring. It makes the bronchial tubes swell which cuts down the volume dramatically when they're young with small bodies— picture a large soft drink straw shrinking to a coffee stirrer straw. Super young babies don't have developed diaphragm muscles that can handle the extra work needed to keep their breathing up, so they end up getting really sick without oxygen and heavy medical intervention. They did also put the RSV vax through a standard long term trial, but it unfortunately came out after the COVID boondoggle. I don't shill for vaccines, but I would feel better about that one than the useless corvid jab or flu shot.
In February 2020, I went looking to upgrade my knowledge, and binge-watched the recorded lectures of a biology professor who put his work online. I watched their TWIV show every week, and learned a little immunology as well. Along about April, they set off my bullshit detector, as they started featuring this little bald snakeoil salesman with a 'Dr' in front of his name. They were awkward liars. I quit watching them.
Earlier on, I had watched Twitter censor people making honest reports from Ukraine and Syria, where it was obvious that facts were not merely optional but forbidden. One account after another was simply deleted from Twitter. Before that, of course, New York skyscrapers just fell into their own basement, and "we decided to pull it" did not mean anything.
This whole covid psyop has been the most powerful one I have ever seen. Formerly respected scientists like Kary Mullis and Robert Malone smeared online as crackpots. The lying psychopath Fauci on every TV show, being ooohed and aaahed by the crowd. I hate crowds.
> that's why big pharma needs total immunity from any consequences.
That's not why. They need that immunity because people like Wakefield, the geiers and RFKJ engage in lawfare against them to keep the public as far away from protection the vaccines offer as possible.
> 100% safe though.
No vaccine is 100% safe , but the risks are very small meanwhile COVID is certainly not 100% safe
> Oh those people complaining that it fucked them up? *Banhammer flails around*
The banhapper is flipped the other way, now. This excuse wore thin a year ago or more
No no guys it's 100% safe, that's why big pharma needs total immunity from any consequences. 100% safe though. Oh those people complaining that it fucked them up? *Banhammer flails around* What people? Oh I know, you're a conspiracy theorist. We'd better silence you for the sake of big pharm- the public for the sake of the public.
IIRC it had testing, but the results were a lot of dead animals so they brushed that under the carpet and went with "emergency" as an excuse for mass global human trials while they raked in serious bank.
> If there were no grounds for a lawsuit they wouldn't need to worry.
This is incorrect. Vexatious litigants like RFKJ and Wakefield will continually plague them regardless of the frivolity of their claim
> The vaccines don't offer protection, they are ineffective and dangerous.
Wrong. They do offer protection, and have saved millions of lives and continue to do so.
> And yet they were marketed as such,
Ah yes "marketing". We were told, in canada, very explicitly what side effects to expect and what to do if it happened. Did that not happen in your country?
> and anybody stating that was instantly banned
Again with the censorship sob story I WAS BANNED FROM TWITTER TOO. LOTS of people were banned. This has been going on since I had a podcast, even, on BOTH sides of the political spectrum.
> . Covid's risks were exaggerated/downplayed
No. They were *systematically understated*.
> based on partisanism, you're on the far extreme of the exaggeration side.
No, I am not.
> We still don't know which was more risky,
Yes, we do. COVID.
> but governments weren't pushing mandatory covid infections were they?
and at least my local government didn't push for mandatory vaccines, either. I was never even asked if I was vaccinated.
> Oh no the return swing's a bitch?
No, the return swing is what is going to happen to you covidiots when parents find out what you've done to their children.
> Boo fucking hoo. Those faggots begged for more moderation and cheered every single time anyone they disagreed with got yeeted.
Oh so now some random idiots on the other side of the rainbow curtain are somehow relevant?
> I see you ignored the important part of that sentence, shocker.
Meanwhile you are ignoring the tens of millions of people who have been safely vaccinated, and tracked in studies about vaccine safety.
If there were no grounds for a lawsuit they wouldn't need to worry. The vaccines don't offer protection, they are ineffective and dangerous.
> No vaccine is 100% safe
And yet they were marketed as such, and anybody stating that was instantly banned. Covid's risks were exaggerated/downplayed based on partisanism, you're on the far extreme of the exaggeration side. We still don't know which was more risky, but governments weren't pushing mandatory covid infections were they?
> The banhapper is flipped the other way
Oh no the return swing's a bitch? Boo fucking hoo. Those faggots begged for more moderation and cheered every single time anyone they disagreed with got yeeted.
> it STILL has testing. On human beings.
I see you ignored the important part of that sentence, shocker.
@Sui@BillBob@JollyR@BowsacNoodle@AnungIkwe@Kuenga No. Fauci is not my patron saint. Fauci failed to contain the pandemic. He is guilty of crimes against humanity. He STILL appears in public unmasked. He is a covidiot, like you.
@Sui@BillBob@BowsacNoodle@AnungIkwe@Kuenga What do you mean bullshit? It's trivial to verify this. Their organizing video calls are open to the public - you can participate
>Ok and? Pharmaceutical companies are well within their means to fight legal battles, these aren't poor civilians who'll be choked out
#thinkinganddeciding cited multiple examples of vaccines that were put on ice because of unnecessary and superficial litigation. They can fight legal battles, sure, but in overly litigation-friendly areas like the US they can and will simply just remove vaccines from the market rather than face risk of that level of bullshit
Ok and? Pharmaceutical companies are well within their means to fight legal battles, these aren't poor civilians who'll be choked out if they're not above the law.
Dude that website is utter garbage. It constantly errors at me when I try to navigate to different pages. P's fsebugout instance is more functional than that site.