Found this amazing post on reddit about the bricked Ford EV, some gems from the comments:
>Its extremely rare so it isn't really an issue >Cell phones and laptops brick too, so its ok for your CAR to brick itself >This is ford's flagship EV, they'll roll out the white glove treatment for you (LMAO) >They will compensate you with a loaner / $30 lyft gift card >Modern gas cars brick themselves too, this is just EV hate!
@justnormalkorean@bronze Maybe now they also have infotainment systems that are fully integrated with the operating electronics. I haven't bought a car since 2013 so I don't know.
@thegreatape@bronze tbh the only thing you can really blame yourself for when an arch update breaks something is not looking at the homepage before doing the update
@bronze their cope is insane. They really want that proprietary cock up their ass and smile while being tracked and given bad updates. When arch Linux breaks something you never will hear "well updates can go wrong, its your fault for running pacman -Syu". Understandably it brings up the question of testing and quality control. And if your car company can't be bothered to do either before bricking your car... What does that say about the rest of the car? NOT GOOD!
@Moon@bronze I'm afraid that airplanes are not as well protected as they should be. In particular, the now ubiqutous flight management connectivity is a serious weak link. Every pilot must carry a tablet nowadays. By cracking that tablet, one can get into the app like Jepp, and jump to a navigator. On a plane that has Garmin Autoland it's basically a direct access to flight controls. In a world where Israelis were able to jump air gapped systems and infect PLCs in order to blow up Uranium refinement centrifuges, crashing airliners should be easy, it's just nobody got around to doing it. Crashing my own airplane this way might be harder, because its engine and flight controls are not computerized, but one can for example direct me to nowhere and make me get lost and run out of fuel by screwing with the navigation software (theoretically speaking, of course - I mostly fly VFR).
@bronze@thegreatape nah i don't remember that, you'd have to open the actual website to see that shit for arch but idk, arch is a decent all-around system as long as you don't act like you being able to read an installation manual and follow it fully makes you smarter than people that just use a gui installer i'm just not trusting a non-russian-maintained distro until the NAFOnigger-esque sentiment dies out completely
@lina@thegreatape based lol fuck arch this is what i mean though its the same stuff on the gentoo website, just stored locally and readable through the terminal, this is installed on gentoo by default
I've never seen anything on arch systems for that. Just the website. So that means using another computer after the system shits itself to clean up the mess. :02_shrug:
@Eiswald@Hoss@JedKron1248@bronze@justnormalkorean The other problem with EVs is they're extreme fire risks. Sure, some Tesla shill on a forum will say "oh but the gas car catches fire", ignoring that with the gasoline car the fire is either from a fuel leak, electrical system, or exhaust fire.
You don't hear about gasoline cars catching fire over and over again in salvage lots, like EVs do. But there's an intense lobbying effort for them, as seen with shitbulls and the like. For example in NZ; an EV fire was covered up by the fire department who claimed it wasn't started by the cars.
But aside from fires, there's also the whole scandal with the battery replacement costs being unreal. Just recently the Hyundai Ioniq had one that cost $60k to repair, even higher than Tesla charges.
@justnormalkorean@Hoss@bronze@JedKron1248 That's fucking terrifying to think about. tbh I foresee a whole 'black market' for jail broken cars or a regression away from this tech The (((Green Energy))) grift is a bubble and when it bursts it's going to be nuclear.
Just look at the used diesel truck market. Diesel trucks from before 2006 and especially made in 05-06 hold their value extremely well. Sure they have EGRs and some other emission components, but they are nowhere near as problematic as the DPF/DEF systems, and due to their lower production numbers compared to say a car from that year, they hold their value extremely well compared to a gas truck of the same year.
Or the "Glider Kit" loophole with trucks, or why a lot of diesel car companies had emission scandals at the same time (the DPFs on modern diesel cars need highway driving), or why big block gasoline engines made a comeback. The Ford 7.3 is for school busses as a "diesel replacement" and the like, not Mustangs.
@Hoss@bronze@JedKron1248 Cars can hear you, so if you call someone a nigger in a fit or road rage, (or you so happen to see one), they can brick your car that way too.
>Wait, so you can just post hate speech on the Internet and you'll still be allowed to drive your car around? And it doesn't have a botnet to make sure you're not driving recklessly and haven't exceeded your allotted carbon footprint credits? >... >... >... >REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE >BAN >IT >NOW >BANITNOWBANITNOWBANITNOW :marseysoycry: :marseysoycry: :marseysoycry: :marseysoycry: :marseysoycry:
@JedKron1248@justnormalkorean newer cars are so computerized that firmware bricking can also happen to them too its part and parcel for technology enthusiasts who like to eat shit at every turn, so long as its new digital computer shit meanwhile my shitbox this morning, funny how the car made in the 90s just fucking works huh i thought old = bad right guys?
@kf01@bronze@Eiswald@JedKron1248@justnormalkorean@Hoss gas car owners in the usa: oh no I hit a curb it's totaled time to buy a new one diesel car owners in the usa: why yes I'm buying this car back and I'm going to do the repairs in the basement and get another 200k miles
@Marakus@LordMordred@af2@Hoss@bronze@JedKron1248@NathanielHigger1488@justnormalkorean It's so weird dissecting how this all became it's own self contained, self perpetuating monster but only for the people actually inside of that industry. Everyone on the outside has gotten to watch in horror and disgust as the mentally ill hire the mentally ill because boomers, in one final act of total fiscal incompetence, couldn't resist 'free money' in spite of the obvious consequences.
Degenerates, head cases, political extremists, sociopaths, etc. All hiring each other and giving each other a pat on the back. An infinite, self contained, upwards facing downward spiral. Its completely fucking loony.
@Eiswald@Marakus@LordMordred@Hoss@bronze@JedKron1248@NathanielHigger1488@justnormalkorean Can the West create new media franchises fast enough to replace the destruction of old, beloved ones? Blizzard was the absolute top game studio for at least a decade or so, with mass worldwide appeal. The destruction of our cultural capital is progressing alarmingly quickly.
@Eiswald@LordMordred@af2@Hoss@bronze@JedKron1248@NathanielHigger1488@justnormalkorean Its not about profits, they can always borrow money from (((blackrock))) or whatever. "To further cause of diversity". Its just propaganda indoctrination machine. To flood all media with this shit, employ nepotistic degenerates, and ruin things for everyone. Just to make it look like its completely normal, because its everywhere, therefore it must be normal. And good old incompetence, they are retarded gorilla niggers, and they spend their entire life being told that their idiocy is brilliant. They probably dont even understand that they are writing complete garbage. Recent example. The midwit fallen upwards, and now he thinks he writes pearls before swine, because "played dont care about my stories". People in charge of hundreds of millions are incompetent, insecure, lazy retards, which cant do their job without acting like a little bitch. "We dont do design documents, because its too much work to maintain them"
@Marakus@LordMordred@af2@Hoss@bronze@JedKron1248@NathanielHigger1488@justnormalkorean The problem is it's not working. This attempt at social engineering has been a spectacular failure, like I said NO ONE likes this shit. It's anathema to the human mind entirely. In fact if anything it's soured people on the very notion itself. This shit has rapidly accelerated radicalization as the push back against it gets more and more intense, even from normal people.
I've noticed what you're talking about, other people have started to cover it. These dysgenic, talentless hacks were fed the line that they were super smart and their works were genius purely on the merit that it came from them. Now they hire each other and bloat these steadily bleeding companies down with their twisted sensitivities and ass backwards forced politics. That failing up shit will only work as long as they have the money to continue supporting it but that WILL eventually dry up, and then what? They truly live in their own insulated little world and are even shocked when they get derided publicly because the the entire media apparatus that people like them also control told them that they did a great job. LOL
On the bright side a shift seems to be coming. At least outside of Disney who have completely lost their goddamn minds as that company spirals towards almost certain inevitable bankruptcy. lol
@Marakus@LordMordred@af2@Hoss@bronze@JedKron1248@NathanielHigger1488@justnormalkorean Used to be a bit of a lore snob. Even before they killed Arthas I noticed the steadily growing focus on Sylvanas. She started getting more and more powerful for no reason, completely fucked up her power scaling against characters WAY stronger than she is, she became more and more of the story focus, and pretty sure she became a naked self insert for a tranny or a feminist story writer to play out their power fantasy.
I've only picked up bits and pieces of the cartoonish 'Dark Mary Sue' bullshit they keep pulling with her. Heard in 'Shadowlands' she straight up kills the new Lich King on her own. This was around the same time a bunch of NPCs suspiciously turned into niggers. lol
@Marakus@LordMordred@af2@Hoss@bronze@JedKron1248@NathanielHigger1488@justnormalkorean Speaking to the broader state of that 'industry' I don't really know what their fucking end game is at this point unless it's to completely destroy these companies. This shit is not popular, it will never popular with anyone, I don't even think you could condition a generation from a clean slate to like this shit. They're losing so much money and taking so much reputational damage. In the end they won't even exist. Marvel, Blizzard, you name it. It will all be gone and all that will remain are 'untouchable' series like 40K.
@Eiswald@LordMordred@af2@Hoss@bronze@JedKron1248@NathanielHigger1488@justnormalkorean I think they never explained what he was doing in Burning Crusade expansion. Although I might think of someone else. I think it involved fish people. >not Sauron They leeched from Greek mythos at the start, switched to Lovecraft, and now, I think, its unironically pure jew stories. Both in wow and nu-diablo. Some of their fucked up hermaphrodite and "must destroy everything for god to be reborn" concepts.
@Eiswald@LordMordred@af2@Hoss@bronze@JedKron1248@NathanielHigger1488@justnormalkorean Ironically, Arthas is one of the characters they raped the least. He mostly died and stayed dead, unlike others which were turned into some faggy abominations. That blind elf was fucked completely, his actions were mostly random stuff writers wanted him to do for whatever reason. They didnt even bother to pretend that he has any goals, allegiances or principles. Just random actions. And all of it caps with "he was a good boy, he dindu nuffin!"
@Marakus@LordMordred@af2@Hoss@bronze@JedKron1248@NathanielHigger1488@justnormalkorean Illidan did nothing wrong but you're not wrong either, they managed him poorly, and worse than that they killed the biggest evil, the main evil besides the Old Gods, and pretended that the story could just continue after that without at least a long break.
Though technically they didn't even kill Sargeras (the obviously not Sauron or Morgoth).
Used to play it pretty regularly, then off and on, and then by the end of Legion I binned it entirely and have just been watching it get progressively browner, feminist, and degenerate over time.
It wasn't just that they killed Arthas, they bitched out in how they killed him, and then pissed and shit on his grave. Arthas was the only reason I bought Warcraft III when it came out. So fucking bad ass.
@justnormalkorean@bronze@JedKron1248 I don't carry or own a phone (that isn't a house phone). Nor have I ever. Makes for interesting rage filled conversations when I need to shit all over (((two-factor))) security fags. Literally harassed Twitch so fucking much they went in and manually disabled it on my account some several years ago.