@jzillw that weather sounds awful
Somehow 2C to 5C windy and damp weather feels so much colder than below zero no matter what I wear.
@jzillw that weather sounds awful
Somehow 2C to 5C windy and damp weather feels so much colder than below zero no matter what I wear.
I just love how Dell laptops decide to update the BIOS when closed and asleep, and then get stuck in a prompt getting nice and hot while waiting for input. After all nobody would potentially put a sleeping laptop in a confined space like a bag for transport while it's closed.
At least I caught it before I packed and got moving so it's just wasting my time instead of cooking itself.
Also, why the fuck is dell needing firmware updates once or twice a month
@silverwizard it is!
I really want to do some off stream work on Magefight right now but also have to get up early tomorrow because of that whole "being a responsible parent" thing. It's sleep for me right now.
Hopefully I'll be able to make some time tomorrow. I wanna get some boring math out of the way so on stream #gamedev work can be more interesting.
@ryanc I now lowkey wish RickrollMEMZ was a thing
Hijack the machine to display the video (and crash the system once the video is over) and also trash the BIOS to show the Rick Astley on boot.
@GossiTheDog Fair. Could be the zeitgeist among folks who are really into videogames and the larger buying public doesn't overlap that much.
Almost feels like Avatar's massive box office sales vs folks online going "nobody cares about Avatar"
RE game sales: Are you talking about Mirage? It's hard to find good apples to apples comparisons but, while it did sell well, it's sold fewer than previous games in the franchise (10 mil for Odyssey 5 mil for Mirage)
@GossiTheDog going on 2nd hand information since I've not played it myself but the biggest gripe I heard consistently is that folks are just sick of Ubisoft open world games in general
Last boost: Another reason why I get irrationally angry about software that knows what is going wrong but refuses to actually say anything about it.
It trains users to be overly trusting of software asking them to do stuff for vague or completely unspecified reasons. This makes people vulnerable to inadvertently installing stuff they shouldn't
@emilygorcenski I made a silly video game in three days
@silverwizard Yup. Freezing is a known failure mode for air conditioners.
Hopefully it just means it's dirty or the fan has broken in it. Without enough airflow the evaporator coil will get too cold and freeze.
If the fan is ok and it's not dirty then it could have a more serious problem
Bye Google search. Nice knowing you
@foone my favorite IOCCC (obfuscated C code competition) entry is the flight sim that's in the shape of an airplane.
@ATLeagle @oblomov @hannu_ikonen @scottsantens that is the one legit concern I've seen "what do we do if/when landlords et al raise rents equal to the UBI amount" or similar
Probably solvable but it definitely complicates things
@evacide Software architecture too
@trochee @mcc James first showed up as a friend on Dankpods' second channel Garbage Time.
Now he's got his own channel and it's awesome. He's just as chaotic as Wade but oddly chill about it.
When he isn't showing off interestingly weird vintage game consoles he's making horrifying abominations like a portable SNES. It's like Red Green if he were a video game nerd.
Semi-serious: Prosperity Gospel is heresy
Had a peek at https://killedbymicrosoft.info/ and was a bit 🤨 on one item in particular
Specifically 3D Movie Maker. 3DMM is packaged software, not a live service. They built it, sold it for a while, and were done. Saying 3DMM was "killed" is like saying Windows 95 was "killed" because MS released Windows 98.
Another nonsensical one is QBasic being on that list. It wasn't killed at all unless you also want to say DOS was "killed"
It was succeeded by Visual Basic which kept a lot of the same structure and syntax (from what I remember, it's been decades since I've use either) but worked in Windows.
Including packaged products and stuff that falls to natural obsolescence in a "killed" list kinda undermines the underlying point IMO.
@dkbgeek @mekkaokereke @maggiemaybe
I can't help thinking of that bit in Office Space where the main character is talking to The Bobs about how little he cares about his job and is called "leadership material" as a result
I guess what's supposed to be absurd satire is not so absurd after all
Moonlighting as an indie gamedev. Wears many hats but programming is my forte. Livestreaming #gamedev on #twitch every Friday, Saturday and Sunday.Software QA to pay the bills. Emphasis on automation but I've done most of the things.
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