> progressive politics generally demands that immediate fixes are paired with structural changes that will help prevent the same or similar problems from occurring in the future
I +1ed this so vigorously that I'm suddenly wondering if anybody claims a different politics and also demands the same pairing within their value system
(I recognize this is not the central point of your letter, @xgranade , but I wanted to throw that in as a side conversation)
I would pay at least this much if I could point a subdomain of a domain I control at this hosting, _especially_ if I have some confidence it won't swap itself into a VC-funded startup focusing on "AI"
When I was at G--gle, well before the latest AI boom, I worked in an advanced research group experimenting with neural networks for all kinds of impractical but fun things.
(At one point, too close to getting laid off to try it, I proposed learning a joint embedding between SF book cover illustration & their back copy, & then running it through in either direction. Still wish we'd built it.) This particular group also decided to start a "relevant SF" reading club.
This reading group was often pretty firmly on the nose (for example, David Brin's EXISTENCE, which has alien intelligences in slick black hand-sized glass pods, trying to convince humanity to dedicate all its resources into building more pods).
We really should have called it the Torment Nexus reading group, but even that glorious phrase hadn't been coined yet
The local VP was in the group, and contributed (I believe without irony) SUPERINTELLIGENCE by Nick Bostrom, and — though he wanted to brag about hobnobbing with Bostrom & dozens of other rich white men on a private island — he didn't really get that this was pretty _bad_ science fiction
but he DID stop coming to the reading group after I called Bostrom's memetic hazard book "exponential-function fanfic in service of the status quo"
The latest attempts to silence resistance-to-evil/not-in-my-name opinions on Fedi
...have been a lot
I'm reminded of the (now-fallen) uneasy alliance between (mostly white & privileged) "free speech libertarians" and anti-oppression activists from the early days of the modern Internet (1998-2002?)
the FSLs were so obsessed with "getting the process right" and "never telling anyone they weren't allowed in the room"
The "impersonal" technology — "cloud" computing, for example — is carefully designed to direct attention elsewhere (& thereby hides its redistribution of externalities)
The personal tools that don't self-aggrandize don't get considered as "technology"
- the paper notebook - the seatbelt - the filling cabinet
Like so much else in the TESCREAL crowd, they cannot imagine that aliens/transcended minds would not be venal and petty and extractive like they are
Their projection and short-sighted view means they are firmly planted in the Defect corner of the Prisoner's Dilemma
…they don't know it's iterated …they can't imagine anything smarter than themselves …therefore any super-intelligence must be rapacious imperialists like they are