Honestly, I will probably never delete my Orange Website account as long as I am able to go there and provoke some random shithead into a sputtering rage by downvoting their comment, it's much cheaper than therapy
GitHub Enterprise Server (the on-prem version of GitHub) was originally based on Ubuntu. At some point shortly after I joined the company, I helped lead a panic migration over to Debian, because word on the street was that Canonical was going around and hitting people that were selling VM images based on Ubuntu up for a percentage of their sales. Their basis for this demand was "use of their trademark" - ever notice how they shove the text ubuntu into the version number of every package in their distro? Yeah. That.
Anyway, on my way out, post Microsoft buyout, I was forced to participate in a migration from Debian back from Ubuntu, because Ubuntu had been sprinkled with whatever magic pixie piss the US military likes its software to smell like, and Debian had not. I brought up the original reason for migrating to Debian, and asked if our lawyers had cleared going back to Ubuntu and/or if Microsoft had some relationship with Canonical that allowed for this. I got told off hard for questioning a Microsoft manager, and especially for daring to even inquire as to the relationship between Microsoft and Canonical, and was informed that it was absolutely not my place ever mention any possible legal issue with any decision ever.
If I had a nickel for every time that, two weeks before my stay, an Airbnb host has tried to get me to cancel the reservation I made over a year in advance, because they've just now realized their place is in the path of totality and finally understand why anyone would want to stay in Peehole, Indiana on a Monday, I would have two nickels, but it's funny that it happened twice.
Like, I'm not trying to pull a fast one. I'm just planning ahead. You can go look on Wikipedia and see all the eclipses that are happening for the rest of the century. This shit should not be a surprise.
Real tired of being told that it's not OK to for me to hate some part of the surveillance capitalism apparatus because this or that group has figured out a way to bend it into being useful for something. Anything positive you manage to wring out of those platforms in an unintended side-effect, unrelated to their true purpose. If the owners could figure out how to optimize that sort of thing away in favor of displaying more ads and collecting more data, they would.
"But if the Torment Nexus shuts down, what will happen to my community? We use this platform for organizing!"
Yeah I dunno, this is only the twentieth or thirtieth time this kind of shit has happened in recent years, maybe quit building your community in the middle of a Torment Nexus?
@foone I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched On Error Resume Next glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.
Hi, I'm Jordan, and this is my #introduction. I'm a #xennial computer scientist and a PhD program dropout. I specialize in low-level #Linux distribution and packaging stuff and in assembling complex software contraptions out of pieces that other people wrote. I've been #programming since connecting to the internet involved making an robot scream and I've worked lots of places, but the one you've probably heard of is #GitHub.
I live just north of #Chicago with my wife and my kid, and I try really hard to be a good #parent and keep the #DadJokes coming. When I am not in dadmode or touching computers for money, I am often touching computers for fun; I'm big on #SelfHosting and spend lots of time tinkering with #HomeAutomation. I don't make a lot of time to play video games anymore, but when I do my taste tends to run on the #RetroGaming side of things, mostly because the last era in which I did make a lot of time to play video games is now considered retro. I was an #arcade rat as a kid and I like the Fediverse because it reminds me much more of hanging out on a #BBS than any of the other modern "social media" abominations.
I mostly read #scifi and a bit of #fantasy. My current recent favorites are the #Wayfarers series by Becky Chambers, the #Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells, and the #ImperialRadch series by Ann Leckie. I am a big #Dune nerd and make a lot of stupid Dune memes for a stupid Dune meme group on Facebook.
I am also into #comics, although like video games, you'll find that I have encyclopedic knowledge up to some point in the mid-to-late 90's and only spotty awareness of what's happened since then. My tastes in physical books are pretty mainstream; I mostly read Marvel and DC stuff, and only the occasional indie.On the web, I'm a big fan of #GunnerkriggCourt and #Oglaf.
Subculturally, I'm somewhere between #goth and #stoner, although I kind of serially collect other subcultures and try them on. I'm not a practicing #furry but I definitely went through a phase as a teenager; if you know who I was then we should be friends.
As far as music goes, I'm all over the map, but have a tendency towards #metal, #industrial, and #electronica. #GWAR is the greatest band of all time; #100gecs is who I most want to see on tour next.
I identify as #nonbinary and #queer, but due to my current relationship status and hair situation I mostly pass as a cishet dude; I'm self-conscious about that, which makes me reluctant to claim those labels in any way that might diminish folks that don't have the option of operating in stealth mode. My relationship is very firmly monogamous and I don't want to flirt with you or join your polycule, although I'm sure your polycule is awesome and I support you finding an arrangement that works for you.
Politically, I lean pretty far to the left, and have been dogged by accusations of #communism since childhood, which I can neither confirm nor deny. I definitely have some #anarchist tendencies but mostly I am too tired from parenting and living through a slow-motion apocalypse to think political thoughts much deeper than "please stop killing people and the planet."
Subversive suburban #Chicago #dad, computer cleric, and jaded tech industry trench-digger. Anyone is free to follow, if I don't like you I'll just block you. Gnerally not a hugger; no flirting please.I use lots of profanity, which I do not CW. Sometimes I talk about marijuana, which I usually CW. I almost never post lewd stuff; if I do I will always CW.MINORS: Please don't talk like I do here, or do the things I talk about doing when I was a minor. Don't do drugs.WARNING: I am neither serious nor professional on this account.