It's been interesting seeing CDs get to the place that vinyl was in the early 00s. I've been hearing that young people have started getting into collecting them, which honestly makes sense - they're everywhere and, mostly, very cheap. Which makes it an affordable way to discover music.
Vinyl was the same way for many years - totally dead commercially, and cheap in thrift/record stores because no one was buying it. Lotta vinyl collecting was broke people collecting music a way they could.
I haven't really talked to young people who are getting into it, but aside from not being affordable anymore, I bet vinyl collecting isn't cool anymore because it's gotten so mainstream. I mean, Taylor Swift is putting out 10s of thousands of copies of newly-pressed vinyl. If you came of age in the era where vinyl's just normal again, you need something else that's both cheap and cool.
Of course, I guess this means that used CDs are eventually going to get expensive the way that vinyl is today, so. If you ever think you'll get back into it, no time like the present. how laserdisc collecting used to be this cute, fun thing for me because it was an affordable way to build a collection of interesting things, and now it costs a fortune.
@goatsarah@zip I’m curious, how have you been storing them? My collection with a lot of 80s and 90s era discs hasn’t had any failures yet. Only burned discs.
Mastodon is second-best, since it supports original images but not GIFs. It forcibly recompresses those into videos, which are worse quality for this kind of 256-colour pixel art imagery. Bluesky, meanwhile, is the worst on both - its image recompression makes the images look pretty bad, and doesn't even make the file sizes smaller!
Running @compactdiscinteractive across three different services (tumblr, mastodon, bluesky) has given me an interesting chance to compare them directly - at least for this kind of "image a day" single-purpose account.
So far, I like tumblr best for this because it's the only platform where all of the media can be presented in its original form - tumblr lets me keep the original images *and* GIFs, without recompressing them as videos.
In terms of "engagement” (lol), bluesky and tumblr are both ahead of the fediverse right now. But what interests me isn't the numbers so much as the patterns.
Tumblr's tag culture, and posting culture in general, means people go back to older posts on accounts like this a lot more often. Both the fediverse and bluesky are more about looking at the latest posts from accounts, so old posts don't recirculate often except when someone first follows the account. Less interesting that way.
Oh, and the port's available for download here. You need original Ultimate Doom and Doom 2 WADs to build the game. Gives you both an ISO and a 32X ROM - have to burn a real CD to play.
Decided to try that new CD32X port of Doom, so got the whole tower of power together.
It’s an incredibly impressive port - looks like Doom, performs like a decent 486. And I love actually getting a new CD32X game in 2024. Apparently it uses all parts of the system for performance - cart plus CD for full games but short load times, and the Sega CD CPU/sound chip to offload audio processing so the main CPU can play the game faster.
Hey Amiga fans of the fediverse: would anyone be interested in buying a rare Amiga OS 4.0 developer prerelease disc? Hoping to find someone who'd really appreciate it before just posting it on eBay.
Ever get annoyed by YouTube sticking things it thinks you’ll like in your search results, when you just want to find something specific? Turns out it doesn’t do that with the “before:” filter on. Just pick a date in the future and add it to your search: “my query before:2026”
It’s hard to overemphasize just what a bombshell this was for the webcomic scene in the late 90s/early 00s. Comics had been using GIF even for non-animated strips, and major comics started spearheading anti-GIF campaigns and teaching people how to switch to PNG.
Nice thing about having the Saturn hooked up to an HDTV is it's way easier to play Christmas Nights in widescreen. I feel like not a lot of people know both it and the original Nights have builtin widescreen support. Sure not a lot of 1996 games that do.
I hate that so many news sites treat online content like this. “Someone” made this? It’d make a lot of people’s days to get credited for their work on a big site like that instead of it just getting credited to “someone”.
Y'know, I still sometimes see people call Spotify better than piracy, but I don't know about that anymore. Now that they've demonetized so many tracks... if you pirate music, at least you know the artist isn't getting paid and you might buy it someday. Someone who streams music thinks they paid for it, and they'll never go buy it afterwards.
@xgranade Oh nice! Is that the one where the internal memory keeps your saves forever without a battery? I've never done it but it sure sounds convenient.
Runs Writes software, works on digital preservation on the side. Current gig: devtools at @axodotdev. Previously worked at Artefactual, plus non-digipres companies.