@silverpill@darius forgive me for being so relentlessly editorial but maybe there is a practical outcome of this discussion, like a style guide or terminological/editorial convention that could be mentioned in the FEP-a4ed? i agree that there are stages of adoption and "seamlessly extends without breaking federation or degrading UX for users of other implements" is a property worth naming (and perhaps even requiring of FEP-defined extenions!)
@raphael you don't have to throw out the entire market baby with the profit-maximizing backwater, was my point. if all labor is paid at rates transparent and public you don't need to pay "market rates", you just need to pay something sustainable and acceptable to all parties, ideally decided transparently and updated over time in a public process. that's not exactly outside of price discovery but it's at least not coupled tightly to it.
@raphael to put it another way, i actually think fediverse and capitalism don't mix, but i'd still pay 100/yr for an account on a server that reinvents all its excess revenue in open-source contributions, for example.
@raphael capitalism is profit-maximization -- thus johannes' apt point that people often donate to or overpay for services they trust not to be profit-maximizing from trustful foundation-like groups of people :D
@hrefna Yeah that thread was a wreck, I feel for everyone involved (and like, already followed most people involved on both platforms!). It is a tricky balance because I agree that it's a bad look and alienating people, but I also agree that perceived/soft-power aside, he doesn't have that much FORMAL power-- anyone could just tjoin he CG and start lobbying for anything they want. I've been trying for over a year to crowdsource a CG charter that formalizes any of this...
@silverpill @arcanicanis @erlend@bnewbold why is support for more did methods an assumed goal? for whom and in which use cases is a non http protocol handler justified? why is did:key important? why is ap:// the best possible url scheme for the AP protocol? it feels like we're talking at a general level and yet so many usecase-specific requirements and goals keep sneaking in
@arcanicanis@silverpill@bnewbold@erlend sadly there isn't much support for DID URLs in the wild, as that whole set of features is optional and few DID method specifications even mention (whether mandatory or optional) how implementations could dereference DID URLs... I would mention that one of the formal objections complained about this unspecified behavior and thus the DID WG has prioritized the DID Resolution spec, which might help a little: https://w3c.github.io/did-resolution/#dereferencing
@pfefferle@linos@darnell I'm more worried about the query parameter in an IRI than I am about the Move activity having its target on the same domain! I'm no JSON-LD wizard but I wonder if that's valid as a URI to stick in an `actor.id`, and even if it's valid, I'd worry other implementations botching it or dropping the `?...` somehow, because of some unwitting behavior of underlying HTTP validation libraries or whatever
@silverpill i would also note that `curl` is already the `curl` of ipfs and ipNS resolution; since the latter can be thought of as a DID method of sorts (it translates an opaque, self-certifying/content-addressed string into something a lot like a DID Doc), we might not need a new thing at all: https://curl.se/docs/ipfs.html note that in IPFS' case, the trick is in the protocol handler!
cheqd is a cosmos SDK chain, might be one of the interesting ones to look at (i mentioned it on codeberg because it already has pathing and complex DID URLs, but i'm not too familiar with the details)
in my experience very few blockchain protocols really prioritize light-client use-cases in their core design/budget/spending, unfortunately...
@silverpill also, i would argue there is a fourth category of DIDs, which IPNS *almost is* (and was in 2019 when did:ipld was created to wrap it in one): DHT methods. Check out: https://did-dht.com/ (also indebted to the sidetree family of DID methods, like orb and ion)
long-in-the-tooth gadfly, man of the people, and, improbably enough, paid opinion haverboost-free profile: https://justmytoots.com/@by_caballero@mastodon.social