M.I.A. - "Bad Girls" (Official Video) - YouTube
M.I.A. - "Bad Girls" (Official Video) - YouTube
@feld @kajer @mkljczk
My ex wants me to dig up half of California.
I'll do it because it amuses me.
Not exceptional.
Taking a line is Easy Peasy.
Frustration is that shit fucks can't understand that they're exposed.
This is the world I live in.
Crap, that.
Wanna talk about China or NorK or everything else I gotta fight with?
I don't get paid for this.
I like to fight.
Wallow with a pig, you get dirty and the pig likes it.
@feld @kajer @mkljczk
Ma Bell can kiss my skinny white ass.
* " invented free Wi-Fi this is my gift to folk.
Cloud storage, invented that as well.
I have my moments.
BBS died.
I learned to hack SysV and trashed AT&T to keep my mom from getting thousand dollar bills.
Walking back isn't possible.
My friend David passed
He wrote this series (I'm two hundred meters where he used to be CTO .. crunchy)
Oh fuck.
We gonna play this?
No. Imma kick this fuckers ass.
Evolving Together: Redefining Mozilla in the AI Era
Dead meat
Yeah, seems to sell well.
Only an idiot buys red. Add 10% to insurance.
I've said, if I wanted to commit crimes in Los Angeles the best car is a blue BMW 325i because nobody could figure out it from the air (hi Police helicopters) on 405 or 10.
There like fifty stranded on the highway.
@gimulnautti @georgetakei @GhostOnTheHalfShell
In college, my professor was All About COBOL because everything ran on a Burroughs 'mini frame' and we were replacing it and he took it personally. We went to War because I was employed by said college to EOL the junk, while working on my degree.
These little Tech Bros have no clue the code they're dealing with.
Now, I want a billion dollars and a team to refactor all government away from COBOL. Not this way.
@GhostOnTheHalfShell @gimulnautti @georgetakei
Perl, just to piss everyone off.
@PhoenixSerenity @wendinoakland @GhostOnTheHalfShell
Me Three! And a fresh cup of coffee.
@doctorwhom @Extra_Special_Carbon
I was once a part of a Kinder Egg smuggling ring in the early 2ks.
I'm not ashamed.
Correct. Also, order a salad, it'll have cheap crap cheese.
Lolololol ... Linus said "No".
@br00t4c @GhostOnTheHalfShell
Always seems to, doesn't he?
I make things, I fix things, and quite often break things. A Silicon Valley refugee living in the Pacific North West.Three decades in the world of computers and most of it developing the Internet (largely as a Web Thing, but not really).#Ally #Beer #Dogs #Outdoors #Food #Cooking #WestCoast #Seattle #SantaCruz #UNIX #OpenSource #SelfHosting #UrbanWalking #WiFi #CafeComputing #Geekosterone
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