Tiny little crab (looks like “Gulf Ghost Crab”) Etzy helped me find back in Puerto Escondido. You can imagine how small it is based on the sand. Perfect camouflage 🫥
I came down with some kind of stomach bug this weekend and boy, it’s hard to tell the difference between the symptoms of that and the healthy nausea one feels while reading the news.
@lanodan@khm That link is marketing for how little they are able to give to governments. Yeah they give what they have, but the whole point is they have almost nothing.
Looks like all they hand over the fact that you use signal. Am I missing something?
@chris We use it for work and I find the user management particularly weak. As admin I feel powerless and little sync errors send users spinning out and it’s really hard to fix for them.
@photomatt@skc Matt, why would we focus on the trademark when we’re discussing the recent announcement, which is about contribution.
It makes sense to focus on the trademark if one’s goal is to concoct a plausible legal defense of your actions, but it doesn’t seem to be the real issue at all, based on all you’ve said.
I only wish Ivory on iPad would sync properly. I guess it's because I only use it on the weekend, but every time I load it up, it gets it wrong, and several times I've lost my position (off by hundreds) trying to use the iPad specifically to catch up 😣
@ivory Any chance you've got some iPad improvements in the pipeline?
@tek It’s worth noting that they are forced to license WordPress plugins as GPL. They aren’t there for the license, they are there for the customer base. There was a whole drama about this years ago.
If they could sell plugins under another license, they would.
As I learn Spanish (living in Mexico) and discuss English with my Mexican partner, I am constantly reminded what utter junk English spelling and pronunciation are. It's embarrassing to try to explain why words sound like they do.
Spanish is so simple and beautiful to pronounce by comparison, and the relatively predictable use of accents for emphasis is part of it.
“The lost Library of Alexandria could have fit onto the microSD card in my Nintendo Switch, and yet the cutting edge of technology is a handheld telephone that spews lies as a fun little bonus feature.
@chris The thing I’m addicted to is having a global keyboard shortcut to pop up the mini calendar that floats over other stuff. Priceless and I use it constantly. It seems to work for me without a subscription, too.
The big app is the same as default calendar to me.
Natural language creation sounds good but often fails for me just like Siri.
@chris I have Studio Display too and enjoy its camera.
The one people I know use and enjoy is their iPhone. Seems to work well with the built in wireless mode, and if you only use it rarely, the annoyance of hooking it up shouldn’t be too bad.
Assuming you have an iPhone and Mac, of course, I forget :)
🇨🇦➡️🇲🇽 Canadian living in Mexico City 💚 Web developer for https://globalvoices.org ☸️ Free from addiction with https://recoverydharma.org🔒 Contact me on Signal: jer.42🌈 They/them pronouns, please and thank you.I tend to boost and post nerdy stuff, humor, progressive politics, nature photography, and whatever else makes me 🤔, 😂 or🫠.