SUGAR is an eight-episode series starring Colin Farrell as a gritty noir private detective, investigating a conspiracy involving Hollywood sexual assault and the trafficking of migrants.
Then, in episode six, we find out Collin Farrell is a space alien.
There was a point 8 years ago when attacking hospitals was too much for ransomware practitioners.
After the Hollywood Presbyterian ransomware attack in 2016, the majority condemned it on criminal forums. One reported quote:
"from the bottom of my heart, I sincerely wish that the mothers of all ransomware distributors end up in the hospital, and that the computer responsible for the resuscitation machine gets infected with [the ransomware]"
@GossiTheDog this whole thing started with a reporter misunderstanding that toothbrushes was an ad absurdum example of anything internet connected. It’s sort of like being forced to test if, by giving Grandma wheels, she would become a cart.
Even if there were WiFi toothbrushes, would there be so many of them using connectivity to create a massive botnet? Probably not.
If you want people to see the stuff you write, or get a better sense of what people know, or find and contact people who you need for stories, or see news as it breaks, Twitter is better suited to task.
@fediversereport@atomicpoet@jeffjarvis ...we need to be comfortable with us. It's a better platform to find and reach out to sources. It's easier to gauge the global conversation on Twitter - there's more of a zeitgeist. There's a uniform trending topics section that gets people on the same page about news stories. Off site content has more staying power (both due to the trending topics aggregation and the virality thing). It's easier to break community bubbles.
Potential game show contestant. One time infosec reporter for Axios, The Hill and SC Media, founder of the Axios Codebook cybersecurity newsletter. CyberCyberCyber