@BowsacNoodle I don't deny that every single little ideology is sacred and that humans will look for any and every single little tribal differentiator in order to make them special. Everyone hates identity politics. Well, I'm American, so I guess everyone loves identity politics. But I hate it. I think pride really sucks. Pride based ideologies actually scare me. Pride is a terrible thing to be proud of. I see human terroir as the silliest thing ever—yet nationalism and tribalism is everywhere.
@BowsacNoodle It's not odd at all. They need to work overtime in order to prove to the vox populi that there are legions of jackbooted Hugo Boss wearing white supremacists hanging black people, Mexicans, and Muslims while also burning crosses in an infinite number of front yards. There aren't any so they need to be manufactured and it's east to do online with all the clearly racist, terrifying, white supremacy that's loud and proud on the Fediverse.
@BowsacNoodle It's not unique at all to America. I lived in Berlin from 2008-2010 and while I was there, Angela Merkel demanded that everyone who received residency received mandatory culture and language and civil rights and civics classes. Full cultural assimilation was demanded under the auspices that migrant women and wives were being held as chattel by their husbands and Merkel mandated that these women know their unique rights as women in modern Germany. Didn't quite work out at all.
@BowsacNoodle I agree that there are physiological and genotypical and phenotypical and intellectual differences between people I'm just saying that if you can't get or keep or reclaim your land, culture, language, religion, then those things will be subsumed. Even Germany is freaking out about how German is dying. The Dutch have come to grips. Maybe it's being socially engineered. But that's also always been a strategy. Right? Kings have always done that. No?
@BowsacNoodle I'm on Mastodon for exactly those reasons. People block me all the time. And since I have my own instance, I have some protection against people's reporting me (always people on the extreme left or even NPR liberals) because I have the audacity of posting "oppo" news from RT, Sputnik, al Jazeera, Epoch, etc.
@BowsacNoodle Here's a question: if a white middle American family adopts a Chinese daughter from birth, is that family obligated to send their daughter to Chinese School, to Cantonese language class, etc, as part as their obligation to her Han blood or should she just be brought up as a middle American girl?
@BowsacNoodle But: can't keep your ancestral holy lands — or win it back — though shit, you've been evicted. Conquered. Can't keep you tribe alive or you language alive or you religion alive or culture alive: you and the majority of world history's tribes, languages, religions, and cultures. Nobody who's ever subsumed you, your culture, your religion, your blood line, your genotype, your phenotype, will ever actual restore it to the: just words of respect, never actual respect.
@BowsacNoodle I just don't like seeing those words. If you use those words you're probably not very kind, smart, or friendly. It's my line in the sand of unacceptable language. Also, telling me to kill myself is also a lovely little red flag as well: troglodyte.
Man, I went on a blocking spree. I guess I accidentally went fishing for Nazis on Masto by posting this: > "I don't care about race, creeds, bloodlines, land, sacredness, homeless, nation-state, country, ideology, religion, colonizing, genotype, phenotype, minority status, language, or affiliation... Can't keep your land or can't keep your people or culture alive: you're losing it. You're fucked. Never ask your conquerer for concessions: they lie." Then a #MastoNazi feeding frenzy and BLOCK!
> U.S. President Joe Biden has spent years implementing programs to fight climate change by advancing renewable energy and imposing tougher regulations on fossil fuels. Much of that work could go up in smoke if his likely rival Donald Trump beats him at the polls in November.
@freemo If anyone of the 382,425,728 Middle Eastern Muslims liked Palestinians, Israel would really be in trouble. They are like Israel's Kurds. The Arab world is so confusing. Sunni and Shia and all of that infighting. Such a mess.
2) Hamas fully submits and surrenders (hasn't happened)
3) Someone can physically stop Israel (never happen)
4) Palestine cedes Gaza to Israel settlers (unlikely)
PS: every single Israeli that has supported Gaza and Palestine on this is probably on a Mossad list and, at the very least, will be audited by the Tax Collectors and might find it really hard to find jobs in Israel.
@freemo Most of the good guys are bad guys who lie. Especially if they are able to maintain global dominance and aren't under anyone's boot. The good guys are always under boots.
> Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talks with Alex Wagner about the strange attraction some Americans feel toward authoritarian leaders like Vladimir ...