so, and I can't believe I have to type this: the "last time" we had a hashtag over at the bad place #Do1Thing where people would post the one thing they did that day to fight the orange terror
Maybe we restart #Do1Thing and broaden its scope to include simple "random acts of kindness"
So today you helped a little old lady across the street? You let a car merge on the freeway? Good for you! One Random Act of Kindness for you.
Did you write your congressperson? Send money to a worthy cause? Punch a fascist? Good for you!
Today I might look through my thank you cards and send something to Harris. Not sure I can coherently express my admiration and gratitude yet, but I'll think on it.
I mean I get chaos theory and all... but krimeny does it have to apply to everything?
I'd love to have a year where every day is better than the one before.
Where myself, and all my friends who are looking find fulfilling and monetarily sustaining jobs. Everybody gets good health/medical news. Every week we solve another societal problem instead of creating more.
/sigh where'd I leave my rock? Gonna crawl back under and hide again.
one of the [many] problems with getting old is that you keep looking for things that no longer exist. Just now I wanted to wear my favorite huaraches to walk down to the mailbox. Only after looking for them for 5 minutes did I remember that they fell apart about ~5 years ago. /sigh
Just got a green sheet for an incident down in SoCal... and uh... if this is what's left of the firefighter's radio.... I rrrrrrrreally don't want to know anything else - except how to avoid having this happen to me or my crew.
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