I just found out that I'm in the age demographic that the CDC is now saying might need to get a booster vaccination for the measles.
So thank you, to all the grubby little ignoramuses out there that don't believe in vaccines. I sincerely wish I wasn't forced to share the planet with you.
From the article: "... includes older adults who were born after 1957 and were vaccinated before 1968."
Apparently I might have been vaccinated with a vaccine that used a dead measles virus but honestly, who has their immunization records from when they were five to seven years old?
If you'd like to show your solidarity with President Zelenskyy and the Ukraine, may I suggest you attend all future meetings with our fashion-fragile leader in your most comfortable and casual attire?
The Orange shit-gibbon, his Vice-Dickhead and the crazy lady from Georgia really seem to love it when you do. They fixate on it.
The Spy: "You should believe in the minds that built Trantor, built the jump drive, that built the star-bridge." Gaal Dornick: "Where I come from they call those scientists, not politicians." The Spy: "I know where you come from Gaal, they were called heretics and drowned." "The Foundation" Season 1 Episode 1"
And thus a good time for Pete was ruined because of an Italian explorer dead 267 years prior who believed in dead reckoning and a world with two fewer continents.
And they say we've no connection to history... People have been failing history (and geography) for ages.
I don't think picking a fight with a chief judge from district court and making public personal details about members of his family is a smart strategy no mater who you think has your back.
Maybe Elon doesn't realize just how much power federal judges have. Like "Put your dumb ass in a cell indefinitely on a contempt finding" power.
It turns out it wasn't ICE trolling for children at a Chicago school but Secret Service agents wanting access to an eleven year-old who posted an anti-Trump video.
“Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.” ― Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
Note on the photo: The chair has been in my wife's family for close to eighty years and was traded to my wife and I by her grandfather for a bottle of his favorite scotch. I think we got the better of the deal.
I want to understand why people want to ban them. After reading a book on the list, I write a very short review (500 characters) and post it in #BannedBooks. My friend and author @wasootch has been kind enough to post all the reviews on her blog at:
I know MAGA people have been saying they're not racist or fascist. Some even claim they're not nationalists (Christian or White).
But I can't help noticing; You know who really LOVE MAGA policies and rhetoric?
Racists, fascists and nationalists.
So to the MAGAs out there. You may or may not be being honest when you say you don't like or support those kinds of people - but it doesn't matter because they absolutely LOVE you.
I'm following the NYPD manhunt for the suspect in the murder of the UnitedHealthcare CEO and two thoughts just keep ringing through my mind:
1) How are media and political types shocked at the public's response to the killing?
2) If and when they do catch the killer, I feel like things are going to get MUCH worse for "the establishment" in the court of public opinion and action.
I don't condone what he did but it's not hard to read the tea leaves on where this is all heading.
∙ Old computer nerd who used to break computers for a living∙ Retired and moved to a small town in a big state with no people - that can't be a coincidence∙ Wondering what's next - I hope it's something∙ I love #books, especially #bannedbooks∙ Disquieted observer of the human condition∙ #Atheism because applied religion is eventually toxic to somebodyBanner picture: Bighorn mountain range in northern WyomingAvatar picture: Oscar - he was judgy but I miss him all the same