Allow me the impertinence to begin by summarising your otherwise nobel-worthy piece of literature: In a nutshell, you say we should talk like you, fund like you, and disregard human rights like you. [...]
Excuse me if this does not appeal to me.
Has it even occurred to you that perhaps — just perhaps — we are not failing at being like Silicon Valley but that we do not want to be like Silicon Valley?
Have you ever wondered if maybe we can do better than to adopt an excessively greedy system of venture capital and exits that funds spyware and treats people as capital to be bought and sold?
This piece from @Aral Balkan is about ten years old, but sadly still relevant. (Although the context may have changed slightly.) Well worth a read!
@Perpetual Beta 🇺🇦 I'd find it a bit weird to list the shortcuts of various desktop environments as Linux specific too. Most of these DE's run fine on other Unix-like systems as well, so they're not limited to only run on top of one type of kernel.
@Alexandre Oliva Yeah, it's tiresome, but we have to keep educating them on the importance of a free and open web. And if they don't listen, leave them behind and find other providers of their services. And let them know WHY we're leaving them.
The notice reads: The form you have requested is being prevented from loading by your browser settings or by a 3rd party plugin. Please disable 3rd party plugins for this page. If you are using the Firefox browser, please set your browser Privacy & Security setting to "Standard" rather than "Strict". That's a hard fail!
Too bad I'm not a customer, so I can quit their service.
@Gaute ⚡ Mikrobloggen Jeg lurer egentlig på hvorfor de må lage egne apper i det heletatt. Det burde være både enklere, billigere og bedre å tilby et standardisert miljø, og så kan vi bruke de programmene vi selv vil på toppen av det.
@dansup: @Mario Vavti is the person to go to for integrating with Hubzilla forums, but I'm happy to help as well. You probably also want to talk to @Mike Macgirvin 🖥️ for integration with (streams).
@Børge A. Roum Fantastisk innsats! Så nettopp du fikset en av de jeg har lagt inn også. Tenker alltid jeg skal sjekke de opp seinere når jeg legger dem inn, men så glemmer jeg det.
Metallhue, programmerer og hedning. Initiativtager og primus motor i Norsk Urskog, vokalist og bassist i thrash metal-orkesteret Imbalance, bassist i Blastered, tilhenger av fri programvare, opptatt av datasikkerhet (CISSP) og personvern.Metalhead, programmer and pagan. Initiator and main force of Norsk Urskog, vocalist and bass player in the thrash metal band Imbalance, bass player of Blastered, supporter of free software, Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and keen privacy advocate.