Arild Hermstad, partileder MDG, starter med å minne om at invasjonen startet i 2014, og at verden har gitt en del støtte, men langt fra nok. MDG foreslo tidlig å bruke av ekstrainntekten Norge får pga krigen til å støtte Ukraina.
– Hva skal vi med en enda støtte pengebinge om selve friheten i Ukraina og Europa står i fare? Et større oljefond kan ikke være viktigere!
Ukrainian colors in front of the Norwegian parliament on the marking of 1000 days of full scale invasion by Russia, more than 10 years after the invasion started.
The foreign minister is talking: We do not want to live in a world where people like Putin can take what they want, or a continent where war is the way to success. Therefor we will strengthen our support of Ukraine. I agree that the world should've done more already when Russia invaded Krim. (paraphrased)
Fikk endelig tatt oppfriskningsdoser av barnevaksinasjonsprogrammet-vaksinene i dag! Et par-tre år på etterskudd fra forrige oppfriskning, trodde jeg. For jeg trodde dette skulle gjøres hvert tiende år.
Nå trenger du ikke gjøre dette igjen på fem år, sa legen. Trodde det var ti år jeg, sa jeg. Nei, fem år sa hun.
Trumps pick for energy secretary don't belive in the climate crisis, and I implore you all to understand that if his pick for NASA admin didn't believe the moon landing or did believe the earth is flat, that would not be a single iota more crazy!
For some fucked up reason we seem to have these compartments in our heads, where flat earth and moon landing hoax is in the lunatic compartment, while climate denialism is not. That in itself is crazy, and we need to stop.
I'm sad that so many folks leaving Twitter are heading to Bluesky. It really feels like we've learned nothing about centralized corporate social media. (And yes, I consider it to be centralized as long as blocking doesn't just take down a plurality of the network, but the whole bloody thing.)
Part of what makes that as sad for me is that I know turns into people who will pressure me to leave the fediverse. That that kind of pressure is considered ok.
Minigjenbruksstasjonen i Sofienbergparken er full av bøker du kan plukke med deg gratis. Var innom en tur i dag for å se etter en julegave. Fant ikke boka til Kamzy, som jeg så etter til min mor som er stor fan av henne. Men til gjengjeld fant jeg tre eldre bøker med #ExLibris.
Måtte ta bilde og dele, siden @tanketom snakket om dette temaet for en tid tilbake.
More focus on Firefox as an essential alternative to Chrome based browser. Fewer products and projects that are started up and abandoned. More transparency in what you do and what data you gather. Remove all Google analytics from all products, use self hosted analytics and services.
You want to be scared? Watch Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa talk about how fast institutions were dismantled in the Philippines, after pointing out that they had modeled their constitution and democracy on America.
This isn’t about “woke” anything. This is the draft of a plan to take over the last power structure he does not yet fully control. The same force he has repeatedly said he wants to use against the American civilian population.
Han der søppel-fyren.Free software/standards and federation advocate since and before/beyond.Posts in Norwegian and English.Linux. Green party. Freeganism. Solarpunk. Midtermism. Ethical culture movement. Library socialism. Cooperatives. Older toots available at @forteller æt octodon.