@syklemil Veldig interessant at vi har slått sommertid av og på så mye oppigjennom. Spesielt fascinert over at vi hadde sommertid ett år i 1916. Glemte de bare å fortsette med det året etter, eller..?
It's driving me a bit crazy that Android has this meaningless gap between the bottom edge of the screen and the keyboard. Is there any way to remove this?
I wonder if these İstanbul cops when they were kids dreamed of growing up to wantonly use chemical weapons against people for not wanting to have their most fundamental rights usurped?
Det slår meg at på norsk ville vel begge disse tilstandene blitt omtalt som "effektive"; partier som prater om "effektivisering" har en tendens til å love det ene og levere det andre.
Dessverre for samfunnet er det ofte ikke bare inhumant, men dårlig samfunnsøkonomi å la mange mennesker stå i kø, selv om det kanskje ser bra ut for akkurat den etatens budsjett.
@silhelm I've also tried many different ebook reader apps to try and find something I can be happy with. Not really found anything so far. I like Book's Story, except the fatal flaw that you can only scroll books, no pagination. But the dev is seemingly working on it. Other than that I haven't been very happy with anyone I've tried so far.
Millions of years in the future, some distant relatives of us finds a mosquito encased in plastic. Within it there is blood with DNA from humans from the current age.
They extract it and make human clones. They use all the informasjon they have about ancient times from archeology to make an as friendly and cozy a place that they can, to keep these strange, ancient creatures in. A park, if you will.
China is swinging back towards bikes (after a bit of classism and geometric / fiscal wishing, we've all done it), meanwhile trump is cutting off his nose to spite his bike lanes
"As OpenAI and Meta introduce LLM-driven searchbots, I'd like to once again remind people that neither LLMs nor chatbots are good technology for information access."
Sendt en lang og sint epost til Bymiljøetaten om dette og om at de bryter GDPR når cookiebanneret ikke gjør det like enkelt å si nei som å si ja til sporing. Faktisk har de ingen nei-knapp overhode.
Click the thumbs down on the question "Was this helpful?" under the generated short and Select "Dislike AI". Maybe if enough do they will at least not turn it on by default!? I doubt it, but...
Jesus Christ! Not only has DuckDuckGo set up a specific website just for AI shit recently – now they have even started showing LLM generated bullshit by default in their search results. I don't want this! I never asked for this! Duck your climate destroying spam and propaganda machine!
I really need to get my act together and find a new search engine ASAP. But I can't say I've heard about anyone I'm convinced about, unfortunately. What do you recommend?
@kims Hahaha, yeah, I actually might need that too! But only if I'm warned before that it might happen, so I change my ways in preparation for it :P @zenbrowser
That said, the new miniplayer you get in the tab sidebar when any of your tabs is playing audio is really neat! Wonder why I haven't heard of anything like this in any browser before. Too bad it is animated, so I can't really use it, since I get distracted by movement. But hopefully that will be fixed with a setting. After fixing the seemingly multiple bugs that nukes your tabs – the miniplayer was not worth that! @zenbrowser
Han der søppel-fyren.Free software/standards and federation advocate since Identi.ca and before/beyond.Posts in Norwegian and English.Linux. Green party. Freeganism. Solarpunk. Midtermism. Ethical culture movement. Library socialism. Cooperatives. Older toots available at @forteller æt octodon.