@neauoire the Belgian use the same! It's funny how I've grown up with that nonsense and it's only as an adult that I realised how ridiculous that must sound to non-France-french speakers 😅 "Four-twenty-ten-nine" for 99. Lol and ugh.
@nora sexual dimorphism is also very pronounced. Reindeers are males, Elves are females, and Santa is the Queen: the only one who delivers eggs (also called "presents").
@inthehands once used to it, it really does feel like complete control and an extension of your body in a way, like being in one of those SF mech suits 😄 We now own a Cube cargo, it's what we wanted for having the two kids at the front (I even had 4 cousins in it once!) + carrying large items (e.g. a mattress or 6 chairs) but I do miss the tiny turning circle and the fabulous kickstand of the GSD, and my partner does not feel confident on it yet.
Watching a @vkc video on @peertube and far out, it's SO much more enjoyable than YouTube... more relaxing, no attention-grabbing "recommendations" I don't want to watch, no ads, clean UI, great subtitles that obviously were perfected by hand, autoplay respectfully off by default, download button (instead of struggling with addons), great video editing, easy access to RSS links...
So thank you very much Veronica and @Framasoft! This is what the web should look like! 💚
@walruslifestyle what do you think constitutes (an) alternative(s)? Genuinely interested. When I think about this issue, I think of small tech, slow tech, cooperatives, anti-capitalist licences, radical inclusion in design... what's your thoughts on ways forward?
@VictorVenema@gerald_leppert@tio@futureisfoss@humanetech@mpjgregoire@socrates would be wonderful to have a federated social media software like Masto or Bonfire or whatever, extended so it makes the most out of existing science-related open platforms, dragging the data into the profile thanks to the available APIs. ORCiD is the obvious first one, to have some kind of CV / list of publications integrated into the profile, but others might make sense as well (Zenodo, OSF, Zotero, etc.)
I like the weird, the kind, the beautiful. Sustainability, plants, the Commons, open research, citizen science, RStats, maps, active transport.Open research software training.BIPOC + trans lives matter.🚫: fash, racists, terves, antivax, NFT + cryptocurrencies, gadget-loving techbros, admirers of the rich. 😘(Banner: sunset over Meanjin. AWAWB. Profile pic: portait by my 8yo rat.)