@screwtape It's not a particularly exciting bug, other than the fact it's kind of amusing that in can be reproduced just by starting the compositor and entering a sequence of key bindings: https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-comp/issues/1008. Which feels like entering the konami code to enable the fun secret crash mode.
(Perhaps an issue with the same state being tracked in two places that get out of sync. Hopefully it can be refactored in a way that will prevent bugs like this, but I'm not sure exactly what's wrong yet).
@drahardja Local municipalities only have the powers delegated to them by the state, so I guess California cities and counties don't have the power under current state laws to enforce things in the particular way SF wants to here.
@aral Proper support for screen readers on Wayland will require some kind of agreement in the ecosystem on how to handle screen reader shortcuts.
Though in the mean time it looks like it wouldn't be too hard to patch at-spi2-core with a backend to support a cosmic-comp specific mechanism for that. I've been looking into this recently. Then that's something that could be proposed upstream at least as a demonstration of what's required here.
The #COSMIC desktop environment, powered by the gay agenda.
The panel/dock run applets as separate processes that create a #Wayland window for the panel to display. So with a native Linux game like Celeste, that works with `SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland`, it's possible to run in a panel applet.
It "works" if you can play with a lot of the window cut off. I wonder if Gamescope could be used to do funny tricks with scaling (why not add a third Wayland compositor to the stack).
@goatsarah Maybe James Bond is really about the fantasy that the rich villains who control the world are interesting people who live interesting lives.
@goatsarah The trick is to be rich enough that you can keep all the most important things in your airship, from which you may then look down with your monocle upon those fools whose lives are immovably tethered to the earth.
@foone You can also imagine this inadvertently becoming the only record of some work, in some distant future.
Alien archaeologists: "Our records show that in the late days of human civilization, before the Antimatter Wars of the 2050s, the works of a bard named 'Tolkien' were popular. But after the Great Copyright Enforcement Purge of the libraries, then the war, all we have are excerpts, ritualistic graphics called 'memes' and one language model that produces in-universe erotic literature."
@meeper@kaia It seems like the law around trademark generalization works in the worst possible way.
(Its strong enough to force companies to be assholes about how their trademarks are used, but not enough to actually invalidate a trademark that is used so generically no one even knows it's a brand name or what the generic name would be. E.g. velcro, etc.)
@whitequark Me, after buying an FPGA: "What project was it I even wanted this thing for?" Intel, after buying a leading FPGA manufacturer: "What was it we wanted this company for again?"
@zeenix@pid_eins I've not seen varlink before. Looks like it doesn't support passing file descriptors? Which many DBus interferences need.
DBus, Wayland, Pipewire and the like all implement different systems for typed messages over Unix sockets that can contain file descriptors. It would be nice if there was one standard for that, with an IDL, and possibly a better kernel API (microkernel APIs like `mach_msg` are worth comparing).