Maybe you've never heard of it, but there is an app, Netguard, that helps you regulate which internet access you allow from your smartphone without root access. For apps that only need to work on your phone, this also helps keeping ads out. I find it very helpful and it gives me a sense of being in control at least a bit. Made by Marcel Bokhorst of Apparently he also made a useful email app. #Security#Privacy#BigTech
@alzimon@meneer@janvlug@sibrosan Completely confused. Ik dacht dat het ging om betalen met je telefoon. I.e. contactloos. Als het alleen gaat over de app daarmee je je bankzaken regelt (wat je ook online in de browser kunt doen), praatten we compleet langs elkaar heen. Dat kan zonder Google Pay inderdaad. Moest er nog bijkomen.
@slwkf1@alx@pluralistic This is why interoperability is so important. It is going way too slow. If they could earn money in facilitating this on their platforms, they would have found a way already.
Organic Maps is een apps die 100% van de functionaliteit heeft zonder actieve internetverbinding. Organic Maps is een gratis Android & iOS offline kaartenapp voor reizigers, toeristen, wandelaars en fietsers gebaseerd op gecrowdsourcete OpenStreetMap gegevens. Privacyvriendelijk en gratis gebruiken, het kan wél.
"One fun anecdote is that companies or governments will often say they need months or years to prepare (CLEAN UP) code for open sourcing. Because on the inside, people allow themselves far worse code than they’d prefer to share with the outside world. Open source code often has higher standards, and it is a great mechanism of keeping you on track."
@darnell@randahl 'Nothing citizens' (confused by 'burgers as this is the Dutch term for citizen) is the exact right word. Once you need not or cannot vote, you don't matter. Those in power won't need you anymore. Trump is all-in on 'nothing citizens'. As his wife already stated, he does not care.
@br00t4c Yet, this is the face of someone who's really angry and absolutely not in control. See the small line that is his upperlip? Says it all. Anger.