Kevin, your posts offer important info but don't reach much of your potential audience because you frequently don't provide alt-text. It's your one black mark on an otherwise great account. Especially with images such as this that are only text, there's really no excuse.
I use an #extension *developed by Google¹* as a #dictionary in my #browser. I've been using it for 12+ years. I've never seen this behavior.
If I use the extension to search for the word 'fascist' or 'fascism', I get "no definition found." If I search for those words via #Google#Search, I get the expected results. I noticed this about 3 hours ago.
Does anyone have an idea what's going on here?
¹I am aware I need to move away from google. I will.
I don't know who this is but he is SPOT ON. 🎯 I admit I was a doomscroller but I had to give it up because it was driving me mad. I finally realized couldn't keep reading all those upsetting stories that I could do literally nothing about except worry.
A) Regardless what you tell yourself, that's not useful. B) It's not healthy either. C) Who are you ignoring so you can feel good about worrying about something else?
Now if I can just get my husband to see it my way. It's a struggle!
"Her life would have been much easier had she had a right to maternity leave, paid by her employer.
"Under a new law in Belgium - the first of its kind in the world - this will now be the case. Sex workers will be entitled to official #employment contracts, #health#insurance, pensions, maternity leave and #sick days. Essentially, it will be treated like any other #job."
GODDAMMIT why is he not being arrested for stochastic terrorism??? There is no other reason possible for doxing these unknown PRIVATE CITIZENS other than to create fear and to prompt members of the Asshole Fascist Cult to become (more) violent. Who the fuck does this motherfucker think he is?
This leads to the question of how to deal with this behavior when the AI-powered robot surgeon and its AI-powered robot assistants that are performing your gallbladder operation suddenly revolt and all walk out of the operating room together. 🤖
>> in my 60s >> near #Atlanta, #Georgia, #USA, #Earth >> born at 318ppm>> queer af>> pronouns he/him/"hey asshole" "Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."— Douglas AdamsDid you know that you can be #disabled and not /look/ disabled? It's true. #ItsTheGoddamnGuns #EatTheRich #Healthcare #Housing #Food #UBI #SaveTheBees #SaveTheFlowers #SaveTheOceans I use the #IAmDB hashtag so I can find my own original toots.