@terminalautism It is to my horror to watch that Linus soy tips caught on and went big. I knew that guy was a malware peddling bugman over a decade ago.
@ryo Never watched any of those but they’re plastered all over invidious pages. The title of the show itself insinuates that gnu/linux is just an “experiment” or only complete enough to be considered for experimentation. Without knowing anything else about the channel, I’m going to hazard a guess that it’s a bunch of gamercucks trying to dip their toes in the scary, perpetually “not ready for [windows] gaming” loonix.
Sorry, commenting has been disabled. While 85% of you are wonderful people and we’d love to hear from you, the other 25% of recent comments have tended to be the result of targeted troll storms. Abuse from this vocal minority has traumatized our moderators and caused harm to the community.
Always some limpwristed faggots. Troll storm == facing the music.
@ryo Are they using dark patterns to herd people into the レジゴー lines? Or normal registers being shut down to “entice” victims into the shartphone option?
Over here, they’ve been declining cash at the self checkouts while keeping absolute skeleton crew on the manned checkouts. All because of a “coin shortage” that ended months (or years?) ago.
@ryo I can think of several businesses, just in my geographical region, which nobody can find their service parts lists/menus/contact info because they don’t even have a fucking website meanwhile FBIbook faggots use the company’s FBIbook “website” where the information is exclusively posted.
@ryo I’ve been reflecting on this noticeable change and have begun to suspect that the movement for online safe spaces/hugboxes has been propelled by entities preparing to pull off the scamdemic, as getting everyone hooked on controlled online spaces was a precondition to steering the fake narrative. It’s just a theory atm
@ryo Some sites still differentiate between phone drones and based desktop users. You can sometimes tell when a phone zombie has shared out a link because it will be some shitified version like en.m.wikipedia.org.
Once the normal desktop target for web has been sufficiently “othered” there could be a rush to block or ban desktop user agents, much like Tor gets blocked by many today. Already, I’m sure you know chromium browsers are getting restrictions put on extensions to curb ad blocking. The grip gets tighter.
@charliebrownau@djsumdog@Suiglide@Sabex@notsee@ryo I’d further recommend using Searx within your own network, or directly on your host system (proxied out in both instances). I want to recommend building your own searchable index, but that is a rough road with only a few less than polished options.
@ryo I was going to dive into fediverse hosting but after reading up on the pleroma/akkoma split and then your insights on DBs, I think I’ll hold off for a bit. It looks like there’s no way I can substitute mariaDB into place during installation.
@ryo I find no wrong in simultaneously maintaining darknet and clearnet mirrors as a means of censorship avoidance. Except for maybe maintenance burden.
@TerminalAutism@ryo I have made a modest amount of money by pulling junked desktops and laptops out of city dumps and cleaning, restoring and reselling them. People were less likely to buy with Linux Mint installed, but I just either told them it’s “like apple” or showed them the cost of windows licensing to keep the sale moving.
These days I just let the normies wallow in their filth.
@ryo Your presence, or lack thereof, will be felt at the forum. I guess there’s only so much guidance one can share before it becomes like trying to train cats. On that note, I am planning a move to my own infrastructure - the last peertube host accidentally (genuine accident btw) deleted my account. Egg on face, that one.