Now that the transition to has been completed and stabilized, this instance will be shut down as of midnight on Sunday, January 15th.
If you're following this account, want to continue doing so, and have not already, please follow @japananon
Hey @satori , just curious... I know you've got Baraag on silent running these days, does that reject new ActivityPub requests as well? I can't seem to follow any Baraag accounts from my new instance
I have finalized the creation of a new instance. You may now find me at @japananon
This Pleroma instance will stay up for a few weeks, maybe a month, before I shut it down. Feel free to follow me on the Mitra account if you want to stay in touch. has served me well for many a year, but now that the database is well and truly fucked up beyond all recognition, it's time to move on.
I don't know how much longer I'll be able to post on here, so in the interest of maintaining existing connections, I'll make this announcement now before I've even provisioned or installed anything.
Going forward, I will be installing Mitra on a new box and creating an account there. Is it wise to use a Still-In-Development Fediverse software as my main instance? Absolutely not, but there's nothing else I really want to use, and I'm already shilling Mitra so I think it's fair to put my money where my mouth is.
The address will be , though nothing will be available there yet. I've already exported my follow list and plan to re-import it if possible, and if I still can I'll make another announcement here once everything's up an running just in case.
Thank you for your service, Pleroma. It was an honor using you right up until the moment you went down in flames.
@sjw I get 500 Error everywhere on Public Timeline. I can fetch Mentions but not new Federated posts, and I can see DB request errors in journalctl.
I've been told this happened to 076 Pleroma by @ryo , and I've been expecting the walls to come down here eventually. Not enough drive space to vacuum, not sure porting to a new server is worth the effort.
In which we examine the curious case of Colabo, PAPS, and other feminist NPOs in Japan doing far too little with far too much public money, before studying the questionable behaviour of Pixiv and their recent rules changes and "clarifications".
@Takuya@Ota1504@Yakotarun Discoverability and promotion are areas that are difficult to do anything about, unfortunately...
Mitra is Fediverse microblogging software with integrated crypto subscriptions. Aside from one-off payments, subscribers can pay on a monthly schedule and get access to Subscriber Only posts... kind of in the same way some people have Patreon Exclusives or the like. Since Sub Only posts can also have attached media, it would work well for art exclusives.
I'm running a test instance to show off in OnionKet 4. Right now it's lacking some of the more advanced features, but the dev, @silverpill , is planning to integrate a "View Only" mode to allow subscribers to create an account that lets them create an account, sub, and view private posts right away (though that functionality also works with Fedi accounts on other servers):
That'd make a smoother experience for getting new subscribers on board, assuming of course they have crypto they're willing to spend.
Nothing in Onionket or Mitra will be able to do much about the discoverability and promotion issue, unfortunately. Those are areas where highly centralized services have the advantage, thanks to the network effect.
All we can really offer is tools and a space to share one's work freely and without censorship, even when others want to prevent it. Solving the discoverability problem will have to be the work of someone else, hopefully building on this foundation.
@ryo Yeah, I get problems from time to time. Database just chugs periodically.
I wanted to do a vacuum job on it, but my free disk space is too small. I need to either port the instance to a new server or spin up something new, and I haven't decided what to do yet. But moving the existing instance looks like it'd be a big pain in the ass, and it probably wouldn't fix the database troubles.