@sun@raccoon Last time they got mega-pwn'd it was down for a week and they gave away free games and a free month of PS+ as an apology, will be interesting to contrast and compare.
I can't remember what free games I picked though, it's been 14 years.
@sun@raccoon Hah, it's really been a while, actually it was down for more than 3 weeks (also I haven't been a PS+ subscriber for close to 8 years now and my most recent Sony console is launch PS4 from 2013 ...)
@lain Hi, my name is Carlo Mid and this is the manuscript for my upcoming book, "The Liberal Manifesto". I'm also working on a more in-depth work called "Everything but Das Kapital".
@noyoushutthefuckupdad "In Springfield, they're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the cats, they're eating ... they're eating the pets of the people that live there, and this is what's happening in our country."
@mangeurdenuage@kaia The two are childhood friends and surrounded by a couple of Kaias who constantly nudge them to become a romantic couple, they are from a webcomic-turned-manga called Dungeon Friends Forever
@lain I'm getting black-pilled by this retrospective. I've now done January-May and the best stuff so far was barely above mid. Otoh, if it keeps going like this, it'll cure me of movie FOMO pretty good.
Mid Max. Dunno, not my thing. Even with Fury Road I was more fascinated by the people who went hard for that movie than by the movie itself. Who falls in love with that scenario? Black-pilled theater kids? Anyway.
Posts random brain sneezes, the occasional poll, almost no memes. Occasional tech rants, for which I would like to apologize in advance. Follows back. The most unlikely Beastars fan on Fedi.Please reply to my posts whenever you feel like it. I don't like to shout into the void.I have Steam set up to allow anybody to watch me play video games, click on https://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/watch/76561197970817795 and have a lookaridoo, maybe I'm playing right now!(Pick your own pronouns)