@pluralistic Hah! The anticipation of diving into that epoch, in Silicon Valley, entertained by Cory, makes up for a whole day of suffering platform capitalism in its fully enshittified stage.
@frauvogel Nicht klar. Verlust der Staatsangehörigkeit als Strafe verletzt imho den Grundsatz der Rechtsgleichheit: Bloß weil ich mir einen 2. Pass besorgen konnte, darf mir doch für die gleiche Tat keine höhere Strafe drohen als einem Monopassbürger! @jan_buehlbecker
Da kommt dann keine "Rechenzeit" sondern eine Entropie in Bits raus. Die Zeit hängt von der Hardware und vor allem der Art des Testens (z.B. Hashalgorithmus) ab. Da das für Vorführzwecke ist, kannst du sicher grob umrechnen in "Zeit mit diesem Laptop, wenn der SHA-256 Hash bekannt ist" oder so.
@ceoln More seriously, I know @PaulaToThePeople as a smart & honest person doing considerable voluntary work for the good cause. Even though I don't agree with her on this issue at all.
Maybe we all should try to become less personal and agree on something like "reason to block an instance should be apparent from looking at the local timeline for a while". Perceived admin's character shouldn't play a role. @SecondJon@freemo@shelenn
@freemo I fear this "hard evidence" - talk is also misleading. The topic is inherently subjective. You have a way of formulating stuff subtly provocative. Might trigger (wrongly, I suppose) asshole-detection-heuristics in some people. But I believe the way out is simply not to try suss out admin's character but look at actual content at an instance.
@ceoln freemo is obviously evil b/c he used a scraper coded by someone associated with an evil webpage. Have to take that seriouly. I used ReiserFS in the past, please don't tell anybody.
@shelenn I am tempted to turn that around: An admin defederating that list without checking (that need is explicitly stated at the top) is an incompetent admin. So a new user better avoids instances that block #qoto unless their instance of choice gives a checkable reason to do that. @freemo gives a convincing story about how he got slandered by nazis for providing a safe space for LQTB+. @ceoln
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