As a professional driver, I have never been that impressed with most folks driving ability or manners in the first place, but yeah... Holy handbags, people are insane at this time of year.
@selzero I didn't unfollow, but I did think, at the time, that it was too late for him to have stood down so close to the election (I thought he ought to have stood down after the midterms), however I appear to have been wrong. Probably. I'm wrong a lot.
@bobjmsn I remember my grandfather telling me that his father never went more than five miles away from his home in his entire life, because that was a day's walk and back. And my grandfather said that with a bike he could get a whole ten miles and back in a single day.
Then he bought a car in his 40s. And then he could go 40/50 miles. And I own a car, and can go a hundred miles, or even jump a plane and go thousands if I want.
I'm not going back to bike or foot travel. Not voting #Green.
Last week I went to the beach. That beach is thirty miles away. In fact, I went to a couple. Then I came home for tea. And I didn't even plan that. I went to Tesco first. But it was such a nice day, and my day off, I thought I'd have some fun too.
That is what having a car means. Spontaneous fun. Tell me why I shouldn't. Tell me in such a way that it isn't a restriction, or a sign of austerity. Tell me in such a way that it isn't "know your place".
A guarantee you'll get dementia if you have this gene.
Honestly, if this doesn't make the case for human genetic engineering, then I don't know what will. There is nothing sacred about the human genome, and we ought to be able to hack it as we see fit for our best health.
Lover of 90s and 00s fantasy, living proof you can do new age gardening on a windowsill. Stop the cult of neat and tidy, let nature prosper! she/her they/them.